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HyperBook  |  1994-05-27  |  239.9 KB  |  4,546 lines

  1. Picture1
  2.     Ram Disk:
  3. Background Flag
  4. EC Background(grey)
  5. Picture1
  6.     Ram Disk:
  7. Background Flag
  8.  i0\^?
  9. HaIc<
  10.  i0\^?
  11. HaIc<
  12.  i0\^?
  13. HaIc<
  14. Picture1
  15.     Ram Disk:
  16. Background Flag
  17. Note1
  19. hyperbook
  20. a reference book for the Amiga
  21. By David White
  22.  D.White 1994)
  23. "The States of Europe"
  24. Note1
  26. Welcome to the hyperbook "States of
  27. Europe". This hyperbook is all about the
  28. nations of Europe, from Albania to Yugoslavia.
  29. It contains 48 nation factfiles, each one
  30. representing a European
  31.  country,
  32. containing vital information about each
  33. one. As this is an interactive
  34. presentation you can 
  35. call up extra
  36. information on a country by just clicking
  37. on-screen buttons. This program also contains
  38. information on the organisations of Europe,
  39. including the EU, and some other features. It
  40. was produced by David White using Gold Disk`s
  41. Hyperbook program
  42. "Introduction"
  43. Note1
  45. Using the Hyperbook system couldn`t be easier. At the top of
  46. each page in the book is a panel containing six buttons.
  47. Clicking on one of these with the left mouse button will
  48. perform it`s function. The first button on the panel will move
  49. you back to the previous page in the book. Clicking the next
  50. button will move you to the next page in the book. The third
  51. button will bring you back to the first page in the book. The
  52. fourth button will bring you to the very last page in the
  53. book. The fifth button will move you to the last page you
  54. were on. The last button will present you with a table of
  55. contents. Clicking on a page here will bring you to it.
  56. Click on the button below for a diagram of the navigation
  57. panel functions.
  58. The other button below will explain the menu items, on the
  59. next page.
  60. Button1
  61. %States_of_Europe:Pictures/diagram.iff
  62. Diagram
  63. Button2
  64. The Menus
  65. "How To Use Hyperbook"
  66. Note1
  67. Hyperbook Menus
  68. There are two pull-down menus:The Project and Commands Menu
  69. Project Menu
  70. LOAD:
  71.  This loads a new hyperbook
  72. : Saves the
  73. current book 
  74. PRINT
  75.  This will print out the page if a printer
  76. is set up-this is handy for, eg, doing projects and using SoE as
  77. a reference source 
  78. ABOUT
  79.  Information about the HBReader
  80. creators.
  81.  Quits the book
  82. Commands Menu
  84.  One of the books best features.When
  85. you have selected this you can type in text and then the
  86. computer will locate it for you in the book. Example, if you
  87. were doing a cross word and the clue required you to name
  88. the country in which the River Seine is located all you would
  89. have to do is type in "Seine" and the computer will locate the
  90. page it is on, thus revealing the country. 
  92.  A similar
  93. function, but to find a page. 
  95.  Will repeat a search.
  97.  Not that relevent, it will show all the page
  98. links in the book. 
  100.  Reads any ASCII file.
  102.  Shows IFF picture files
  103. "The Menus"
  104. Button1
  106. hyperbook
  107. the reference book for the Amiga
  108. Button2
  109. Click Below To Select Section:
  110. Button3
  113. The EU to the CIS, what they
  114. do, how they work.
  115. Button4
  118. Albania to Yugoslavia, area to
  119. government, all the vital info.
  120. Button5
  122. Highest population, richest
  123. countries & more
  124. Button6
  127. Europe in space, the flag of
  128. Europe & more.
  129. "Main Menu"
  130. Note1
  132. This is the main section of the "States of
  133. Europe" h
  134. yperbook. It contains fac
  135. tfiles on
  136. every country in Europe,including Turkey and
  137. Russia. By clicking the button below you can
  138. select any of the 48 factfiles. Each file contains
  139. general information on the country you have
  140. chosen, including area, population, and main
  141. ies. Further information on the
  142.  chosen
  143. country can be di
  144. splayed on the screen, includi
  145. geography, government and region statistics,by
  146. click
  147. ing on the buttons at the bottom of the screen.
  148. ting other co
  149. tries, sections o
  150. r menus can be
  151. one by using 
  152. the control panel at the top of each
  153.  page.
  154. List1
  156. Key To Factfiles
  157. Albania
  158. Andorra
  159. Armenia
  160. Austria
  161. Azerbaijan
  162. Belarus
  163. Belgium
  164. Bosnia
  165. Bulgaria
  166. Croatia
  167. Cyprus
  168. Czech Republic
  169. Denmark
  170. Estonia
  171. Finland
  172. France
  173. Georgia
  174. Germany
  175. Greece
  176. Hungary
  177. Iceland
  178. Ireland
  179. Italy
  180. Latvia
  181. Liechtenstein
  182.     Lithuania
  183. Luxembourg
  184.     Macedonia
  185. Malta
  186. Moldavia
  187. Monaco
  188. Netherlands
  189. Norway
  190. Poland
  191. Portugal
  192. Romania
  193. Russia
  194. San Marino
  195. Slovakia
  196. Slovenia
  197. Spain
  198. Sweden
  199. Switzerland
  200. Turkey
  201. Ukraine
  202. United Kingdom
  203. Vatican City
  204. Yugoslavia
  205. Button1
  207. !"The Nations of Europe Factfiles"
  208. Note1
  210. Offical Name:
  211.  Each country`s offical name.
  212. Political Status:
  213.  Republic, Monarchy etc.
  214. Area(sq.km):
  215.  The area of the country in square kilometers.
  216. Population:
  217.  Its population according to latest figures.
  218. Pop.Density:
  219.  The average amount of people living in one sq.km
  220. Life Expectancy:
  221.  Most recent UN figures
  222. Capital City:
  223.  The nation`s capital
  224. Main Cities:
  225.  Its principal cities,not including the capital.
  226. Principal Languages:
  227.  The main languages spoken in the country.
  228. Principal Religons:
  229.  The main practiced religons.
  230. Organisations:
  231.  Its membership of major internationl organ.
  232. Education:Literacy Rate:
  233.  The % of adults who are literate
  234.            Compulsory Schooling:
  235.  The years a one must attend.
  236.            No. of Universities:
  237.  The number of universities.
  238. Economy:Currency:
  239.  The currency of the country
  240.          GNP:
  241.  The average amount PER PERSON per year.
  242.          Main Products:
  243.  The principal produce of the country.
  244. Note2
  245. Highest Point:
  246.  The highest point in the country, in metres
  247. Main Rivers:
  248.  The principal rivers in the country
  249. Climate:
  250.  A summary of the climate
  251. Other Features:
  252.  A summary of the country`s physical
  253. features, including mountain ranges, etc.
  254. Button1
  255. Geography
  256. Button2
  257. Leaders
  258. Button3
  259. Defence & Pop.Info
  260. Button4
  261. Regions
  262. Button5
  263. Button6
  264. Click
  265. For:>>>
  266. Note3
  267. Defence: Military Service:
  268.  The compulsory military service
  269.         Total Armed Forces:
  270.  The total armed forces
  271. Government:
  272.  A summary of the governmental system
  273. Infant Mortality Rate:
  274.  The number of deaths per 1000 births
  275. Population Change 1980-90:
  276.  The percentage change in the
  277. population during the 1980`s.
  278.  %Urban Population:
  279. percentage of people living in urban areas.
  280. Note4
  281. A list of recent leaders of the
  282. country and the period they
  283. held the post. 
  284. Note5
  285. A summary of the regions
  286. of a country, including
  287. their area, population and
  288. capital city.
  289. "Key To Factfiles"
  290. Note1
  291.                   ALBANIA
  292. Offical Name:
  293.  Republika Shqiperise(Republic of Albania)
  294. Political Status:
  295.  Republic
  296. Area(sq.km):
  297.  28 750
  298. Population:
  299.  3 250 000
  300. Pop. Density:
  301. Life Expectancy:
  302.  73 yrs
  303. Capital City:
  304.  Tirana
  305. Main Cities:
  306.  Durres, Elbasan, Shkoder, Vlore, Korec
  307. Principal Languages:
  308.  Albanian
  309. Principal Religons:
  310.  Muslim
  311. Organisations:
  312.  UN, CSCE
  313. Education:
  314. Literacy Rate:
  315.            Compulsory Schooling:
  316.  7-15 yrs
  317.            No. of Universities:
  318. Economy:
  319. Currency:
  320.          GNP:
  321.  1 200 US$
  322.          Main Products:
  323.  Crude minerals, Food
  324. "Flag"
  325.     Ram Disk:
  326. AlbGeoCzeAzeBosUkr
  327. Note2
  328. Defence:
  329. Military Service:
  330.  2-3 yrs
  331.         Total Armed Forces:
  332.  40,700
  333. Other Pop. Figures:
  334. Urban Population:
  335.                     Infant Mortality:
  336.  32 per 1000
  337.                     Population Change 1980-90:
  338.  21.5%
  339. Government:
  340.  Unitary republic with unicameral legislature
  342. "Geography"
  343. Geography
  344. Main Rivers:
  345.  Semani, Drini, Vjosa
  346. Highest Point:
  347.  Mount Korab 2751m
  348. Climate:
  349. Hot summers,mild winters near coast but cold inland
  350. Other Features:
  351.  Most of Albania is mountainous, apart from
  352. a short coastal strip.
  353. Button1
  354. Click For:>>>
  355. Button2
  356. Button3
  357. Defence & Pop.Info
  358. Button4
  359. Geography
  360.     "Albania"
  361. Button1
  362. Button2
  363. Click For:>>>
  364. Note1
  365.               ANDORRA
  366. Offical Name:
  367.  Les Valls d`Andorra(The Valleys of Andorra)
  368. Political Status:
  369.  Principality
  370. Area(sq.km):
  371. Population:
  372.  52,000
  373. Pop. Density:
  374. Life Expectancy:
  375.  78 yrs
  376. Capital City:
  377.  Andorra-la-Vella
  378. Principal Languages:
  379.  Catalan, French, Spanish
  380. Principal Religons:
  381.  Roman Catholic
  382. Organisations:
  383.  None
  384. Education:
  385. Literacy Rate:
  386.            Compulsory Schooling:
  387.  6-14 yrs
  388.            No. of Universities:
  389.  None
  390. Economy:
  391. Currency:
  392.  French Franc, Spanish Peseta
  393.          GNP:
  394.  16,600 US$
  395.          Main Products:
  396.  Clothing, Food
  397. Button3
  398. Defence & Pop.Info
  399. Button4
  400. Geography
  401. Drawing1
  402. Note2
  403. Other Population Figure
  404. s: Infant Mortality:
  405.  13 per 1000
  406.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  407.  51.6%
  408. Defence:
  409.  There are no armed forces in Andorra
  410. "Geography"
  411. Geography
  412. Main River:
  413.  Valira
  414. Highest Point:
  415.  Pla del`Estany 3011m
  416. Climate:
  417.  Mild, but cold in winter, with snow
  418. Other Features:
  419.  Andorra is a very mountainous country.
  420.     "Andorra"
  421. Note1
  422.               ARMENIA
  423. Name:
  424.  Armenija
  425. Political Status:
  426.  Republic
  427. Area(sq.km):
  428.  29,800
  429. Population:
  430.  3,324,000
  431. Pop. Density:
  432. Life Expectancy:
  433.  72 yrs
  434. Capital City:
  435.  Yerevan
  436. Main Cities:
  437.  Kumayri, Karaklis, Kamo, Angekhakot, Alaverdi
  438. Principal Languages:
  439.  Armenian
  440. Principal Religons:
  441.  Orthodox
  442. Organisations:
  443.  UN, CIS, CSCE
  444. Economy:
  445. Currency:
  446.  Rouble
  447.          Main Products:
  448.  Minerals, Chemicals, Cotton
  449. Geography:
  450. Climate:
  451.  Hot, dry summers, severe winters
  452.            Other Features:
  453.  There are extensive mountain
  454. pastures, and arable land is limited, but fertile.
  455. Button1
  456. Click For:>>>Population Info
  457. Drawing1
  458. Note2
  459. Other Population Figures:
  460.  Infant Mortality:
  461.  20 per 1000
  462.     "Armenia"
  463. Note1
  464.                AUSTRIA
  465. Offical Name:
  466.  Republik Osterreich
  467. Political Status:
  468.  Federal Republic
  469. Area(sq.km):
  470.  83,855
  471. Population:
  472.  7,712,000
  473. Pop. Density:
  474. Life Expectancy:
  475.  75 yrs
  476. Capital City:
  477.  Vienna
  478. Main Cities:
  479.  Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Villach
  480. Principal Languages:
  481.  German
  482. Principal Religons:
  483.  Roman Catholic
  484. Organisations:
  485.  UN, EFTA, OECD, CSCE, Council of Europe
  486. Education:
  487. Literacy Rate:
  488.            Compulsory Schooling:
  489.  6-15 yrs
  490.            No. of Universities:
  491. Economy:
  492. Currency:
  493.  Schilling
  494.          GNP:
  495.  US$17,360
  496.          Main Products:
  497.  Machinery, Transport equ, Chemicals
  499. Button1
  500. Defence & Pop.Info
  501. Button2
  502. Regions
  503. Drawing1
  504.     "Regions"
  507. Area(sq.km):
  508. Population:
  509. Capital:
  510.   Burgenland       
  511.    3,966
  513.  270,000
  515. Eisenstadt
  516.   Carinthia        
  517.    9,533
  519.  536,000
  521. Klagenfurt
  522.   Lower Austria    
  523.   19,171
  525. 1,428,000
  527.  Vienna
  528.   Salzburg          
  529.    7,154
  531. 442,000
  533. Salzburg
  534.   Styria            
  535.   16,387
  537. 1,187,000
  539.  Graz
  540.   Tirol              
  541.  12,647
  543.  587,000
  545. Innsbruck
  546.   Upper Austria     
  547.  11,979
  549. 1,270,000
  551.   Vienna            
  552.      415
  554. 1,531,000
  556. Vienna
  557.   Vorarlberg
  559.    2,601
  561. 305,000
  563. Bregenz
  564. "Pop.,Defence&Government"
  565. Defence:
  566.  Military Service:
  567.  6 months
  568.          Total Armed Forces:
  569.  42,500
  570. Other Population Figures:
  571.  Urban Population:
  572.                            Infant Mortality:
  573. 9 per 1000
  574.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  575. Government:
  576.  Federal multiparty 
  577. Note4
  578. Geography
  579. Main Rivers:
  580.  Danube, Inn, Mur
  581. Highest Point:
  582.  Grossglockner
  583. 3798m
  584. Climate:
  585.  Varies, generally continental
  586. Other Features:
  587.  In the north and north-east lies
  588. fertile land, the west is mountainous, with the Alps
  589. Button3
  590. Click For:>>>
  591. Button4
  592. Button5
  593. Geography
  594.     "Austria"
  595. Note1
  596.                 AZERBAIJAN
  597. Name:
  598. Azarbaijchan
  599. Political Status:
  600.  Republic
  601. Area(sq.km):
  602. 86,600
  603. Population:
  604. 7,153,000
  605. Pop. Density:
  606. Life Expectancy:
  607. 70 yrs
  608. Capital City:
  609. Main Cities:
  610. Gyandzha, Stepanakert, Sumgait, Lenkoran
  611. Principal Languages:
  612. Azerbaijani
  613. Principal Religons:
  614.  Shi`a Muslim
  615. Organisations:
  616.  UN, CSCE
  617. Economy:
  618. Currency:
  619. Manat
  620.          Main Products:
  621. Crude oil, Clothing, Textiles, Footwear
  622. Geography:
  623. Main Rivers:
  624. Kura, Araxes
  625.            Highest Point:
  626. 4480 m
  627.            Climate:
  628.  Subtropical
  629.            Other Features:
  630. Comprises of two autonomous regions,
  631. seperated by a strip of Armenian territory.
  632. Button1
  633. Click For:>>>Population Info
  634. Picture1
  635.     Ram Disk:
  636. Drawing1
  637. "Population"
  638. Other Population Figures:
  639.  Infant Mortality:
  640.  26 per 1000
  641. "Azerbaijan"
  642. Note1
  643.               BELARUS
  644. Offical Name:
  645.  Belarus
  646. Political Status:
  647.  Republic
  648. Area(sq.km):
  649.  208,000
  650. Population:
  651.  10,278,000
  652. Pop. Density:
  653. Life Expectancy:
  654.  72 yrs
  655. Capital City:
  656.  Minsk
  657. Main Cities:
  658.  Gomel`, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Bobruysk, Orsha, Popotsk
  659. Principal Languages:
  660.  Belorussian
  661. Principal Religons:
  662.  Orthodox
  663. Organisations:
  664.  UN, CIS, CSCE
  665. Economy:
  666. Currency:
  667.  Rouble
  668.          Main Products:
  669.  Processed food, Chemicals, Machinery
  670. Geography:
  671. Main Rivers:
  672.  Neman, Pripet, Dnieper
  673.            Highest Point:
  674.  gora Zamkova 323 m
  675.            Climate:
  676.  Varies, from maritime to continental
  677.            Other Features:
  678.  Swamps and marsh cover large areas,
  679. but when drained are very fertile. A third is also forested
  681. Drawing1
  682. "Population"
  683. Other Population Figures:
  684.  Infant Mortality:
  685.  12 per 1000
  686. Button1
  687. Click For:>>>Population Info
  688.     "Belarus"
  689. Note1
  690.               BELGIUM
  691. Offical Name:
  692.  Royaume de Belgique/Koninkrijk Belgie (Kingdom
  693. of Belgium)
  694. Political Status:
  695.  Constitutional
  696. Monarchy
  697. Area(sq.km):
  698.  30,520
  699. Population:
  700.  9,845,000
  701. Pop. Density:
  702. Life Expectancy:
  703.  76 yrs
  704. Capital City:
  705.  Brussels
  706. Main Cities:
  707.  Antwerp, Gent, Charleroi, Liege, Bruges, Malines
  708. Principal Languages:
  709.  French, Dutch
  710. Principal Relgions:
  711.  Roman Catholic
  712. Organisations:
  713.  UN, EU, NATO, CSCE, WEU, OECD,Council of Europe
  714. Education:
  715.  Literacy Rate:
  716.            Compulsory Schooling:
  717.  6-16 yrs
  718.            No. of Universities:
  719. Economy:
  720.  Currency:
  721.  Franc
  722.          GNP:
  723. 16,390
  724.          Main Products:
  725.  Transport equipment,Plastics,Iron,Food
  726. Drawing1
  727. "Pop,Defence&Government"
  728. Defence:
  729.  Military Service:
  730.  10-12 months
  731.          Total Armed Forces:
  732.  92,400
  733. Other Population Figures:
  734.  Urban Population:
  735.                            Infant Mortality:
  736.  8 per 1000
  737.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  738.  -0.1%
  739. Government:
  740.  Bicameral legislature
  741. "Geography"
  742. Geography
  743. Main Rivers:
  744.  Scheldt, Meuse, Sambre
  745. Highest Point:
  746.  Botrange 694m
  747. Climate:
  748.  Mild temperate
  749. Other Features:
  750.  Stretches from a fertile plateau in
  751. the north to forested hills in the south.
  752. Button1
  753. Click For:>>>
  754. Button2
  755. Defence & Pop.Info
  756. Button3
  757. Geography
  758.     "Belgium"
  759. Note1
  760.              BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA
  761. Offical Name:
  762.  Bosnia i Hercegovina
  763. Political Status:
  764.  Republic
  765. Area(sq.km):
  766.  51,130
  767. Population:
  768.  4,200,000
  769. Pop. Density:
  770. Life Expectancy:
  771.  72 yrs
  772. Capital City:
  773.  Sarajevo
  774. Main Cities:
  775.  Banja Luka, Mostar, Zenica, Tuzla
  776. Principal Languages:
  777.  Serbo-Croat
  778. Principal Religons:
  779.  Muslim, Orthodox, Roman Catholic
  780. Organisations:
  781.  UN, CSCE
  782. Economy:
  783.  Currency:
  784.  Dinar
  785.          Main Products:
  786.  Machinery, Coal, Iron ore, Bauxite
  787. Geography:
  788.  Main Rivers:
  789.  Bosna, Vrbas, Drina
  790.            Highest Point:
  791.  Cvrsnica 2222m
  792.            Climate:
  793.  Mediterranean near coast,much cooler inland
  794.            Other Features:
  795.  Virtually landlocked country and is
  796. also mountainous
  797. "Flag"
  798.     Ram Disk:
  799. AlbGeoCzeAzeBosUkr
  800. Button1
  801. Click For:>>>Population Info
  802. Drawing1
  803. "Population"
  804. Other Population Figures:
  805.  Infant Mortality: 15 per 1000
  806.  (all
  807. pop.figures on page are pre-civil war)
  808. "Bosnia"
  809. Note1
  811.  BULGARIA
  812. Offical Name:
  813.  Republika Bulgariya(Republic of Bulgaria)
  814. Political Status: 
  815. Republic
  816. Area(sq.km):
  817.  110,910
  818. Population:
  819.  8,980,000
  820. Pop. Density: 
  821. Life Expectancy:
  822.  73 yrs
  823. Capital City:
  824.  Sofia
  825. Main Cities: 
  826. Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Ruse, Stara Zagora, Pleven
  827. Principal Languages: 
  828. Bulgarian
  829. Principal Religons: 
  830. Orthodox
  831. Organisations: 
  832. UN, CSCE, Council of Europe
  833. Education:
  834.  Literacy Rate: 
  836.      Compulsory Schooling:
  837.  6-16 yrs
  839.  No. of Universities: 
  840. Economy:
  841.  Currency: 
  843. 2,320 US$
  845.   Main Products: 
  846. Engineering goods, Consumer goods, Food.
  847. Drawing1
  848. "Pop,Defence&Government"
  849. Defence:
  850.  Military Service:
  851.  2-3 yrs
  853. Total Armed Forces:
  854.  177,500
  855. Other Population Figures:
  856.  Urban Population:
  858.    Infant Mortality:
  859.  14 per 1000
  861. Pop. Change 1980-90: 
  862. Government:
  863. Democraticly elected 400-member National Assembly
  865. "Geography"
  866. Geography
  867. Main Rivers:
  868.  Danube, Iskur, Maritsa, Tundzha
  869. Highest Point:
  870.  Musala 2925m
  871. Climate:
  872.  Continental in north,Mediterranean in south
  873. Other Features:
  874.  Bulgaria has mountainous central and
  875. southern areas,the north has the fertile Danube plain
  876. Button1
  877. Click For:>>>
  878. Button2
  879. Button3
  880. Defence & Pop.Info
  881. Button4
  882. Geography
  883. "Bulgaria"
  884. Note1
  885.               CROATIA
  886. Offical Name:
  887.  Republika Hrvatska (Republic of Croatia)
  888. Political Status:
  889.  Republic
  890. Area(sq.km):
  891.  56,540
  892. Population:
  893.  4,600,000
  894. Pop. Density:
  895. Life Expectancy:
  896.  72 yrs
  897. Capital City:
  898.  Zagreb
  899. Main Cities:
  900.  Osijek, Rijeka, Split, Sisak, Zadar, Dubrovnik
  901. Principal Languages:
  902.  Serbo-Croat
  903. Principal Religons:
  904.  Roman Catholic
  905. Organisations:
  906.  UN, CSCE
  907. Economy:
  908.  Currency:
  909.  Kuna
  910.          Main Products:
  911.  Crude oil, Machinery, Cement
  912. Geography:
  913.  Main Rivers:
  914.  Sava, Drava
  915.            Highest Point:
  916.  Vaganski Vrh 1758m
  917.            Climate:
  918.  Mediterranean
  919.            Other Features:
  920.  Central and eastern Croatia has
  921. very fertile land, but the coast is mountainous and barren.
  922. Button1
  923. Click For:>>>Population Info
  924. Picture1
  925. EUROPE:FLAGS MedRes
  926. SpaTurMolRusCroLux
  927. "Population"
  928. Other Population Figures:
  929.  Infant Mortality:
  930.  10 per 1000
  931.     "Croatia"
  932. Button1
  933. Button2
  934. Click For:>>>
  935. Note1
  936.                   CYPRUS
  937. Offical Name:
  938.  Kypiaki Dimokratia
  939. Political Status:
  940.  Republic
  941. Area(sq.km):
  942.  9,250
  943. Population:
  944.  702,000
  945. Pop. Density:
  946. Life Expectancy:
  947. Capital City:
  948.  Nicosia
  949. Main Cities:
  950.  Limassol, Larnaca, Famagusta
  951. Principal Languages:
  952.  Greek, Turkish
  953. Principal Religons:
  954.  Orthodox, Sunni Islam
  955. Organisations:
  956.  UN, C, CSCE, Council of Europe
  957. Education:
  958. Literacy Rate:
  959.            Compulsory Schooling:
  960.  5-12 yrs,in south only
  961.            No. of Universities:
  962. Economy:
  963. Currency:
  964.  Pound
  965.          GNP:
  966.  7,050 US$
  967.          Main Products:
  968.  Clothing, Potatoes, Citrus fruit
  969. "Flags"
  970. SoE Working Disk:The Nations
  971. Cyprus 1
  972. "Pop,Defence&Government"
  973. Defence:
  974.  Military Service:
  975.  29 months
  976.         Total Armed Forces:
  977.  13,000
  978. Other Population Figures:
  979. Urban Population:
  980.                            Infant Mortality:
  981.  10 per 1000
  982.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  983.  11.4%
  984. Government:
  985.  Democraticly elected 56-member House 
  986. "Geography"
  987. Geography
  988. Main Rivers:
  989.  Seranhis, Pedieas
  990. Highest Point:
  991.  Mount Olympus 1951m
  992. Climate:
  993.  Mediterranean
  994. Other Features:
  995.  Mountainous country, apart from
  996. midlands
  997. Button3
  998. Defence & Pop.Info
  999. Button4
  1000. Geography
  1001. "Cyprus"
  1002. Note1
  1003.              CZECH REPUBLIC
  1004. Offical Name:
  1005.  Ceska Republika (Czech Republic)
  1006. Political Status:
  1007.  Republic
  1008. Area(sq.km):
  1009.  78,863
  1010. Population:
  1011.  10,356,000
  1012. Pop. Density:
  1013. Life Expectancy:
  1014.  72 yrs
  1015. Capital City:
  1016.  Prague
  1017. Main Cities:
  1018.  Brno, Ostrava, Plzen, Olomouc, Ceske Budejovice
  1019. Principal Languages:
  1020.  Czech
  1021. Principal Religons:
  1022.  Roman Catholic
  1023. Organisations:
  1024.  UN, CSCE, Council of Europe
  1025. Economy:
  1026.  Currency:
  1027.  Koruna
  1028.          Main Products:
  1029.  Machinery, Transport equipment
  1030. Geography:
  1031.  Main Rivers:
  1032.  Vltava,Morava
  1033.            Highest Point:
  1034.  Snezka 1603 m
  1035.            Climate:
  1036.  Continental
  1037.            Other Features:
  1038.  The Czech Republic consists of hills
  1039. and plateaux in the west and
  1040. rising land in the east.
  1042. Button1
  1043. Click For:>>>Population Info
  1044. Drawing1
  1045. "Population"
  1046. Other Population Figures:
  1047.  Infant Mortality:
  1048.  11 per 1000
  1049. "Czech Republic"
  1050. Button1
  1051. Button2
  1052. Click For:>>>
  1053. Note1
  1054.               DENMARK
  1055. Offical Name:
  1056.  Kongeriget Danmark(Kingdom of Denmark)
  1057. Political Status:
  1058.  Constitutional Monarchy
  1059. Area(sq.km):
  1060.  43,075
  1061. Population:
  1062.  5,140,000
  1063. Pop. Density:
  1064. Life Expectancy:
  1065.  76 yrs
  1066. Capital City:
  1067.  Copenhagen
  1068. Main Cities:
  1069.  Arhus, Odense, Alborg, Esbjerg, Randers, Horsens
  1070. Principal Languages:
  1071.  Danish
  1072. Principal Religons:
  1073.  Lutheran
  1074. Organisations:
  1075.  UN, EU, OECD, NATO, CSCE, Council of Europe
  1076. Education:
  1077.  Literacy Rate:
  1078.            Compulsory Schooling:
  1079.  7-16 yrs
  1080.            No. of Universities:
  1081. Economy:
  1082.  Currency:
  1083.  Krone
  1084.          GNP:
  1085.  20,510 US$
  1086.          Main Products:
  1087.  Machinery and instruments,
  1088. Agricultural products, Chemical products
  1089. Button3
  1090. Defence & Pop.Info
  1091. Drawing1
  1092. "Geography"
  1093. "Dainish Dependencies"
  1095. Faeroe Islands
  1096. Status:
  1097. Self Governing part of the Danish Realm
  1098. Area(sq.km):
  1099. 1399 
  1100. Population:
  1101. 47,300 
  1102. Capital:
  1103. Torshavn(pop.:14,600)
  1104. "Geography"
  1105. Geography
  1106. Main River:
  1107. Gudena
  1108. Highest Point:
  1109. Yding Skovhoj 173m
  1110. Climate:
  1111. Temperate
  1112. Other Features:
  1113. Denmark consists of the Jutland Peninsula and
  1114. over 400 islands,only about a quarter of these are inhabited
  1115. "Pop,Defence&Government"
  1116. Defence:
  1117.  Military Service:
  1118.  9-12 months
  1119.         Total Armed Forces:
  1120.  31,600
  1121. Other Population Figures:
  1122.  Urban Population:
  1123.                            Infant Mortality:
  1124.  6 per 1000
  1125.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  1126.  0.4%
  1127. Government:
  1128.  Democratically elected 179-member parliament
  1129. Button4
  1130. Geography
  1131.     "Denmark"
  1132. Note1
  1133.             ESTONIA
  1134. Offical Name:
  1135.  Eesti Vabariik (Republic of Estonia)
  1136. Political Status:
  1137.  Republic
  1138. Area(sq.km):
  1139.  45,100
  1140. Population:
  1141.  1,583,000
  1142. Pop. Density:
  1143. Life Expectancy:
  1144.  70 yrs
  1145. Capital City:
  1146.  Tallinn
  1147. Main Cities:
  1148.  Tartu, Narva, Kohtla-Jarve, Parnu, Haapsalu
  1149. Principal Languages:
  1150.  Estonian, Russian
  1151. Principal Religons:
  1152.  Lutheran, Orthodox
  1153. Organisations:
  1154.  UN, CSCE, Council of Europe
  1155. Economy:
  1156.  Currency:
  1157.  Kroon
  1158.          Main Products:
  1159.  Textiles, Cement, Processed foods, Paper
  1160. Geography:
  1161.  Main Rivers:
  1162.  Parnu
  1163.            Highest Point:
  1164.  There are no major peaks
  1165.            Climate:
  1166.  Temperate
  1167.            Other Features:
  1168.  Generally flat or undulating, with
  1169. extensive forests and many lakes
  1171. Button1
  1172. Click For:>>>Population Info
  1173. Drawing1
  1174. "Population"
  1175. Other Population Figures:
  1176.  Infant Mortality:
  1177.  15 per 1000
  1178.     "Estonia"
  1179. Note1
  1180.             FINLAND
  1181. Offical Name:
  1182.  Suomen Tasavalta (Republic of Finland)
  1183. Political Status:
  1184.  Republic
  1185. Area(sq.km):
  1186.  337,030
  1187. Population:
  1188.  4,986,000
  1189. Pop. Density:
  1190. Life Expectancy:
  1191.  76 yrs
  1192. Capital City:
  1193.  Helsinki
  1194. Main Cities:
  1195.  Tampere, Turku, Vantaa, Espoo, Oulu, Lahti, Pori, 
  1196. Principal Languages:
  1197.  Finnish, Swedish
  1198. Principal Religons:
  1199.  Lutheran
  1200. Organisations:
  1201.  UN, EFTA, CSCE, OECD, Council of Europe
  1202. Education:
  1203.  Literacy Rate:
  1204.            Compulsory Schooling:
  1205.  7-16 yrs
  1206.            No. of Universities:
  1207. Economy:
  1208. Currency:
  1209.  Markka
  1210.          GNP:
  1211.  17,830 US$
  1212.          Main Products:
  1213.  Paper and paper products, Metal
  1214. products
  1215. Drawing1
  1216. )"Pop,Defence,Government&AutonomousRegion"
  1217. Defence:
  1218.  Military Service:
  1219.  11 months
  1220.          Total Armed Forces:
  1221.  31,000
  1222. Other Population Figures:
  1223.  Urban Population:
  1225. Infant Mortality:
  1226.  5 per 1000
  1228. Pop. Change 1980-90:
  1229.  4.1%
  1230. Government:
  1231.  Democratically elected 200-member parliament
  1232. Finnish Autonomous County:
  1233.  Aland Islands(Area[sq.km]: 1527
  1234. Population: 24,000 Capital: Mariehamn[pop.:10,000])
  1235. "Geographt"
  1236. Geography
  1237. Main Rivers:
  1238.  Paatsjoki, Kemijoki, Kokemaenjoki
  1239. Highest Point:
  1240.  Haltiatunturi 1342m
  1241. Climate:
  1242.  Cool temperate
  1243. Other Features:
  1244.  Generally flat land with lakes and forests, but
  1245. soils are thin and poor on the ice-scarred granite plateau.
  1246. Button1
  1247. Click For:>>>
  1248. Button2
  1249. Button3
  1250. Defence & Pop.Info
  1251. Button4
  1252. Geography
  1253.     "Finland"
  1254. "France-General Info"
  1255.              FRANCE
  1256. Offical Name:
  1257.  La Republique Francaise (The French Republic)
  1258. Political Status:
  1259.  Republic
  1260. Area(sq.km):
  1261.  543,965
  1262. Population:
  1263.  56,440,000
  1264. Pop. Density:
  1265. Life Expectancy:
  1266.  77 yrs
  1267. Capital City:
  1268.  Paris
  1269. Main Cities:
  1270.  Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Nantes
  1271. Principal Languages:
  1272.  French
  1273. Principal Religons:
  1274.  Roman Catholic
  1275. Organisations:
  1276.  UN, EU, NATO, WEU, G7, OECD, CSCE, Council of
  1277. Europe
  1278. Education:
  1279.  Compulsory Schooling:
  1280.  6-16 yrs
  1281.            No. of Universities:
  1282. Economy:
  1283.  Currency:
  1284.  Franc
  1285.          GNP:
  1286.  17,830 US$
  1287.          Main Products:
  1288.  Machinery, Agricultural products
  1289. Drawing1
  1290. "Regions of Franch"
  1293.  Area(sq.km)       Population      Capital City
  1294. Alsace                   8,280          1,605,000       Strasbourg
  1295. Aquitaine               41,308          2,708,000       Bordeaux
  1296. Auvergne               26,013          1,329,000       Clermont
  1297. Brittany                27,208          1,374,000       Rennes
  1298. Burgundy               31,582          1,604,000        Dijon
  1299. Centre                  39,151          2,333,000       Orleans
  1300. Champagne-Ardenne     25,606          1,359,000       Reims
  1301. Corsica                  8,680            243,000       Ajaccio
  1302. Franche-Comte          16,202          1,099,000       Besancon
  1303. Ile-de-France            12,012         10,290,000       Paris
  1304. Languedoc-Roussilicon   27,376          2,072,000       Montpellier
  1305. Limousin                16,942            735,000       Limoges
  1306. Lorraine                23,547          2,320,000       Nancy
  1307. Lower-Normandy        17,589          1,374,000       Caen
  1308. Midi-Pyrenees           45,348         2,370,000        Toulouse
  1309. Nord-Pas-de-Calais      12,414          3,923,000        Lille
  1310. Pays de la Loire        32,082          3,013,000        Nantes
  1311. Picardy                 19,399          1,787,000        Amiens
  1312. Poitou-Charentes        25,810          1,601,000        Poitiers
  1313. Provence-Cote d`Azur   31,400          4,116,000        Marseille
  1314. Rhone-Alpes            43,698          5,177,000        Lyon
  1315. Upper Normandy        12,317          1,685,000        Rouen
  1316. "Population,Defence&Government"
  1317. Defence:
  1318.  Military Service:
  1319. 12-18 months
  1320.         Total Armed Forces:
  1321. 466,300
  1322. Other Population Figures:
  1323.  Urban Population:
  1324.                            Infant Mortality:
  1325.  7 per 1000
  1326.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  1327.  4.2%
  1328. Government:
  1329.  Democratically elected 577-member National
  1330. Assembly(lower house) and 321-member senate(upper house)
  1331. "Geography"
  1332. Geography
  1333. Main Rivers:
  1334.  Rhine, Loire, Rhone, Seine, Garonne, Saone
  1335. Highest Point:
  1336.  Mont Blanc 4807m
  1337. Climate:
  1338.  South is Mediterranean, the rest is temperate
  1339. Other Features:
  1340.  France encompasses a series of high plateaux,
  1341. mountain ranges and lowland basins.
  1342. "French Leaders"
  1344. Presidents of Fourth Republic:
  1345. Vincent Auriol 1947-54
  1346. Rene Coty 1954-58
  1347. Presidents of Fifth Republic
  1348. General Charles de Gaulle 1959-69
  1349. Georges Pompidou 1969-74
  1350. Valery Giscard d`Estaing 1974-81
  1351. Francois Mitterand 1981-
  1352. Button1
  1353. Geography
  1354. Button2
  1355. Leaders
  1356. Button3
  1357. Defence & Pop.Info
  1358. Button4
  1359. Regions
  1360. Button5
  1361. Button6
  1362. Click
  1363. For:>>>
  1364. "France"
  1365. Note1
  1366.             GEORGIA
  1367. Offical Name:
  1368.  Sakartvelo/Sakartvelos Respublica (Geo/Rep Geo)
  1369. Political Status:
  1370.  Republic
  1371. Area(sq.km):
  1372.  69,700
  1373. Population:
  1374.  5,464,000
  1375. Pop. Density:
  1376. Life Expectancy:
  1377.  72 yrs
  1378. Capital City:
  1379.  Tbilisi
  1380. Main Cities:
  1381.  Kutaisi, Rustavi, Batumi, Poti, Gori, Sukhumi
  1382. Principal Languages:
  1383.  Georgian
  1384. Principal Religons:
  1385.  Orthodox
  1386. Organisations:
  1387.  UN, CSCE
  1388. Economy:
  1389.  Currency:
  1390.  Rouble
  1391.          Main Products:
  1392.  Manganese, Tae, Textiles
  1393. Geography:
  1394.  Main Rivers:
  1395.  Kura
  1396.            Highest Point:
  1397.  Kazbek
  1398.            Climate:
  1399.  Subtropical
  1400.            Other Features:
  1401.  Georgia is a mountainous country,
  1402. with much of it forested, which includes the Caucasus Mts. 
  1404. Button1
  1405. Click For:>>>Population Info
  1406. Drawing1
  1407. Note2
  1408. Other Population Figures:
  1409.  Infant Mortality:
  1410.  20 per 1000
  1411.     "Georgia"
  1412. Drawing1
  1413. Note1
  1414.           GERMANY
  1415. Offical Name:
  1416.  Bundesrepublik Deutchland (Federal Rep. of Ger.) 
  1417. Political Status:
  1418.  Federal Republic
  1419. Area(sq.km):
  1420.  357,868
  1421. Population:
  1422.  79,479,000
  1423. Pop. Density:
  1424. Life Expectancy:
  1425.  76 yrs
  1426. Capital City:
  1427.  Berlin
  1428. Main Cities:
  1429.  Hamburg, Munich, Koln, Frankfurt, Essen, Bonn
  1430. Principal Languages:
  1431.  German
  1432. Principal Religons:
  1433.  Lutheran, Roman Catholic
  1434. Organisations:
  1435.  UN, EU, NATO, CSCE, WEU, G7, OECD, Council of
  1436. Europe
  1437. Education:
  1438.  Compulsory Schooling:
  1439.  6-18 yrs
  1440.            No. of Universities:
  1441. Economy:
  1442. Currency:
  1443.  Deutchmark
  1444.          GNP:
  1445.  20,750 US$
  1446.          Main Products:
  1447.  Machinery, Transport equ, Chemicals
  1448. "Lander"
  1449. German Lander
  1450.                             Area(sq.km) Population   Capital
  1451. Baden-Wurttemberg           
  1452. 35,752
  1454. 9,327,000
  1455. Stuttgart
  1456. Bavaria                       
  1457. 70,546
  1458. 11,026,000
  1459. Munich
  1460. Berlin                            
  1462. 3,300,000
  1463. Berlin
  1464. Brandenburg                  
  1465. 28,016
  1467. 2,712,000
  1468. Potsdam
  1469. Bremen                        
  1470.   404
  1472. 654,000
  1473. Bremen
  1474. Hamburg                         
  1476. 1,571,000
  1477. Hamburg
  1478. Hesse                         
  1479. 21,114
  1481. 5,544,000
  1482. Wiesbaden
  1483. Lower Saxony                 
  1484. 47,431
  1486. 7,196,000
  1487. Hannover
  1488. Mecklenburg-West Pomerania  
  1489. 26,694
  1491. 2,110,000
  1492. Schwerin
  1493. Nord Rhine-Westphalia         
  1494. 34,066
  1495. 16,677,000
  1496. Dusseldorf
  1497. Rhineland-Palatinate           
  1498. 19,848      3,611,000
  1499. Mainz
  1500. Saarland                       
  1501.  2,571
  1503. 1,042,000
  1504. Saarbrucken
  1505. Saxony                        
  1506. 17,713
  1508. 5,056,000
  1509. Dresden
  1510. Saxony-Anhalt                 
  1511. 20,297     3,056,000
  1512. Magdeburg
  1513. Schleswig-Holstein             
  1514. 15,720      2,613,000
  1515. Thuringia                      
  1516. 15,209                  Erfurt
  1517.     "Leaders"
  1518. German Leaders since 1949
  1519. Federal German Chancellors         East German Leaders
  1520. Konrad Adenauer 1949-63           Walter Ulbricht 1950-71
  1521. Prof Ludwig Erhard 1963-66         Erich Honecker 1971-89
  1522. Dr Kurt Georg Kiesinger 1966-69
  1523. Dr Willy Brandt 1969-74
  1524. Walter Scheel 1974
  1525. Helmut Schmidt 1974-82
  1526. Helmut Kohl 1982-
  1527. "Pop,Defence&Government"
  1528. Defence:
  1529.  Military Service:
  1530.  12-15 months
  1531.          Total Armed Forces:
  1532.  494,300
  1533. Other Population Figures:
  1534.  Urban Population:
  1535.                            Infant Mortality:
  1536.  8 per 1000
  1537.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  1538.  1.5%
  1539. Government:
  1540.  Democratically elected 68-member Bundesrat (upper
  1541. house) and 662-member Bundestag (lower house)
  1542. "Geography"
  1543. Geography
  1544. Main Rivers:
  1545.  Rhine, Elbe, Danube, Oder, Moselle, Necker
  1546. Highest Point:
  1547.  Zugspitze 2963m
  1548. Climate:
  1549.  Temperate
  1550. Other Features:
  1551. Because of its size,Germany has a great
  1552. diversity of features inc.:plains,forests,lakes,mountains
  1553. Button1
  1554. Click
  1555. For:>>>
  1556. Button2
  1557. Button3
  1558. Geography
  1559. Button4
  1560. Leaders
  1561. Button5
  1562. Defence & Pop.Info
  1563. Button6
  1564. Regions
  1565.     "Germany"
  1566. Button1
  1567. Button2
  1568. Click For:>>>
  1569. Note1
  1570.             GREECE
  1571. Offical Name:
  1572.  Elleniki Dimokratia/Ellas (Hellenic Rep./Greece)
  1573. Political Status:
  1574.  Republic
  1575. Area(sq.km):
  1576.  131,985
  1577. Population:
  1578.  10,123,000
  1579. Pop. Density:
  1580. Life Expectancy:
  1581.  77 yrs
  1582. Capital City:
  1583.  Athens
  1584. Main Cities:
  1585.  Thessalonika, Piraievs, Patrai, Larisa, Heraklion
  1586. Principal Languages:
  1587.  Greek
  1588. Principal Religons:
  1589.  Orthodox
  1590. Organisations:
  1591.  UN, EU, NATO, CSCE, OECD, Council of Europe
  1592. Education:
  1593.  Literacy Rate:
  1594.            Compulsory Schooling:
  1595.  6-15 yrs
  1596.            No. of Universities:
  1597. Economy:
  1598. Currency:
  1599.  Drachma
  1600.          GNP:
  1601.  5,340 US$
  1602.          Main Products:
  1603.  Clothing, Footwear, Tobacco, Olives
  1604. Button3
  1605. Defence & Pop.Info
  1606. Button4
  1607. Geography
  1608. Drawing1
  1609. "Pop,Defence&Government"
  1610. Defence:
  1611.  Military Service:
  1612.  20-24 months
  1613.          Total Armed Forces:
  1614.  208,500
  1615. Other Population Figures:
  1616.  Urban Population:
  1617.                            Infant Mortality:
  1618.  13 per 1000
  1619.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  1620.  4.2%
  1621. Government:
  1622.  Democratically elected 300-member parliament
  1623. "Geography"
  1624. Geography
  1625. Main Rivers:
  1626.  Aliakmon, Pinios, Akheloos
  1627. Highest Point:
  1628.  Mount Olympus 2911m
  1629. Climate:
  1630.  Mediterranean
  1631. Other Features:
  1632.  The Greek mainland and its many islands
  1633. are dominated by mountains and sea.
  1634. "Greece"
  1635. Button1
  1636. Button2
  1637. Click For:>>>
  1638. Note1
  1639.            HUNGARY
  1640. Offical Name:
  1641.  Magyarorszag/Magyar Koztarsasag (Hungary /
  1642. Hungarian Republic)
  1643. Political Status:
  1644.  Republic
  1645. Area(sq.km);
  1646.  93,030
  1647. Population:
  1648.  10,553,000
  1649. Pop. Density:
  1650. Life Expectancy:
  1651.  72 yrs
  1652. Capital City:
  1653.  Budapest
  1654. Main Cities:
  1655.  Debrecen, Miskolc, Pecs, Szeged, Gyor, Nyiregyhaza
  1656. Principal Languages:
  1657.  Hungarian
  1658. Principal Religons:
  1659.  Roman Catholic
  1660. Organisations:
  1661.  UN, CSCE, Council of Europe
  1662. Education:
  1663.  Compulsory Schooling:
  1664.  6-14 yrs
  1665.            No. of Universities:
  1666. Economy:
  1667. Currency:
  1668.  Forint
  1669.          GNP:
  1670.  2,560 US$
  1671.          Main Products:
  1672.  Semifinished products, Raw materials
  1673. Button3
  1674. Defence & Pop.Info
  1675. Button4
  1676. Geography
  1677. Drawing1
  1678. "Pop,Defence&Government"
  1679. Defence:
  1680.  Military Service:
  1681.  1 year
  1682.          Total Armed Forces:
  1683.  91,000
  1684. Other Population Figures:
  1685.  Urban Population:
  1686.                            Infant Mortality:
  1687.  17 per 1000
  1688.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  1689.  -1.5%
  1690. Government:
  1691.  Democratically elected 386 member parliament
  1692. "Geography"
  1693. Geography
  1694. Main Rivers:
  1695.  Danube, Tisza, Drava
  1696. HighestPoint:
  1697.  Kekes 1015m
  1698. Climate:
  1699.  Continental
  1700. Other Features:
  1701.  Most of Hungary consists of lowland, apart
  1702. from thickly wooded highlands in the northeast.
  1703.     "Hungary"
  1704. Note1
  1705.                ICELAND
  1706. Offical Name:
  1707.  Lydveldid Island (The Republic of Iceland)
  1708. Political Status:
  1709.  Republic
  1710. Area(sq.km):
  1711.  102,820
  1712. Population:
  1713.  255,000
  1714. Pop. Density:
  1715. Life Expectancy:
  1716.  78 yrs
  1717. Capital City:
  1718.  Reykjavik
  1719. Main Cities:
  1720.  Akureyri, Keflavik
  1721. Principal Languages:
  1722.  Icelandic
  1723. Principal Religons:
  1724.  Lutheran
  1725. Organisations:
  1726.  UN, NATO, EFTA, CSCE, OECD, Council of Europe
  1727. Education:
  1728.  Literacy Rate:
  1729.  100%
  1730.            Compulsory Schooling:
  1731.  7-16 yrs
  1732.            No. of Universities:
  1733. Economy:
  1734.  Currency:
  1735.  Krona
  1736.          GNP:
  1737.  21,240 US$
  1738.          Main Products:
  1739.  Fish and fish products, Aluminum
  1740. Drawing1
  1741. Note2
  1742. Defence:
  1743.  Iceland has no defence force
  1744. Other Population Figures:
  1745.  Urban Population:
  1746.                            Infant Mortality:
  1747.  5 per 1000
  1748.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  1749. Government:
  1750.  Democratically elected 63-member parliament
  1751. "Geography"
  1752. Geography
  1753. Main Rivers:
  1754.  Thjorsa, Skjalfanda, Fljot
  1755. Highest Point:
  1756.  Hvannadalshnukur 2119m
  1757. Climate:
  1758.  Cool temperate
  1759. Other Features:
  1760.  Landscape is entirely volcanic, features
  1761. include ice sheets, lava fields,active volcanoes and geysers.
  1762. Button1
  1763. Click For:>>>
  1764. Button2
  1765. Button3
  1766. Defence & Pop.Info
  1767. Button4
  1768. Geography
  1769.     "Iceland"
  1770. Note1
  1772. IRELAND
  1773. Offical Name:
  1774.  Eire or Ireland
  1775. Political Status:
  1776.  Republic
  1777. Area(sq.km):
  1778.  68,895
  1779. Population:
  1780.  3,503,000
  1781. Pop.Density:
  1782. Life Expectancy:
  1783.  75 yrs
  1784. Capital City:
  1785.  Dublin
  1786. Main Cities:
  1787.  Cork, Limerick, Galway, Waterford, Sligo
  1788. Principal Languages:
  1789.  Irish, English
  1790. Principal Religons:
  1791.  Roman Catholic, Protestant
  1792. Organisations:
  1793.  UN, EU, OECD, CSCE, Council of Europe
  1794. Education:
  1795.  Literacy Rate:
  1796.            Compulsory Schooling:
  1797.  6-15 yrs 
  1798.            No. of Universities:
  1799. Economy:
  1800.  Currency:
  1801.  Punt
  1802.          GNP:
  1803.  8,500 US$
  1804.          Main Products:
  1805.  Machinery, Transport equipment, Food,
  1806. Chemical products
  1808. Drawing1
  1809.     "Leaders"
  1811. EXECTIVE PRESIDENTS:              
  1812. Arthur Griffith 1922
  1813. Micheal Collins 1922
  1814. William Thomas Cosgrave 1922-32
  1815. Eamon de Valera 1932-37
  1816. TAOISEACH:                       PRESIDENTS:
  1817. Eamon de Valera 1937-48          Dr Douglas Hyde 1938-45
  1818. John Costello 1948-51              Sean Thomas O`Kelly 1945-59
  1819. Eamon de Valera 1951-54           Eamon de Valera 1959-73  
  1820. John Costello 1954-57              Erskine Childers 1973-74
  1821. Eamon de Valera 1957-59          Cearbhall O`Dalaigh 1974-76
  1822. Sean Lemass 1959-66              Dr Patrick Hillery 1976-90
  1823. Jack Lynch 1966-73               Mary Robinson 1990-
  1824. Liam Cosgrave 1973-77         
  1825. Jack Lynch 1977-79             
  1826. Charles Haughey 1979-81          
  1827. Garret Fitzgerald 1981-82
  1828. Charles Haughey 1982
  1829. Garret Fitzgerald 1982-87
  1830. Charles Haughey 1987-92
  1831. Albert Reynolds 1992-
  1832. "Geography"
  1833. Geography
  1834. Main Rivers:
  1835.  Shannon, Suir, Boyne, Barrow, Erne
  1836. Highest Point:
  1837.  Carrauntuohill 1041m
  1838. Climate:
  1839.  Mild temperate
  1840. Other Features:
  1841.  Central Ireland is lowland,and apart from the
  1842. east coast north of Dublin,is surrounded by mountains and hills
  1843. Provences of Ireland:
  1844.  Munster, Leinster, Ulster, Connacht
  1845. Counties of Ireland:
  1846.  Republic only: Cork, Limerick, Kerry, Tipperary,Waterford,
  1847. Clare, Cavan, Monaghan,Dublin, Meath, Westmeath, Louth,
  1848. Wicklow, Wexford, Kilkenny, Donegal, Carlow, Offaly, Laois,
  1849. Longford, Leitrim, Galway, Mayo, Sligo, Roscommon, Kildare
  1850. "Pop,Defence&Government"
  1851. Defence:
  1852.  Military Service:
  1853.  None
  1854.         Total Armed Forces:
  1855.  13,000
  1856. Other Population Figures:
  1857.  Urban Population:
  1858.                            Infant Mortality:
  1859.  8 per 1000
  1860.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  1861.  9.4%
  1862. Government:
  1863.  Democratically elected 60-member Seanad and
  1864. 166-member Dail
  1865. Button1
  1866. Geography
  1867. Button2
  1868. Defence & Pop.Info
  1869. Button3
  1870. Leaders
  1871.     "Ireland"
  1872. Note1
  1873.            ITALY
  1874. Offical Name:
  1875.  Italia/ Repubblica Italiana (Italy/Rep. of Italy)
  1876. Political Status:
  1877.  Republic
  1878. Area(sq.km):
  1879.  301,245
  1880. Population:
  1881.  57,662,000
  1882. Pop. Density:
  1883. Life Expectancy:
  1884.  76 yrs
  1885. Capital City:
  1886.  Rome
  1887. Main Cities:
  1888.  Milan, Naples, Turin, Genoa, Palermo, Bologna, 
  1889. Principal Languages:
  1890.  Italian
  1891. Principal Religons:
  1892.  Roman Catholic
  1893. Organisations:
  1894.  UN, EU, NATO, WEU, G7, OECD, CSCE, C. of Europe
  1895. Education:
  1896.  Literacy Rate:
  1897.            Compulsory Schooling:
  1898.  6-14 yrs
  1899.            No. of Universities:
  1900. Economy:
  1901.  Currency:
  1902.  Lira
  1903.          GNP:
  1904.  15,150 US$
  1905.          Main Products:
  1906.  Machinery, Transport equ, Clothing
  1907. Drawing1
  1908. Note2
  1909. Defence:
  1910.  Military Service:
  1911.  1 year
  1912.          Total Armed Forces:
  1913.  390,000
  1914. Other Population Figures:
  1915.  Urban Population:
  1916.                            Infant Mortality:
  1917.  9 per 1000
  1918.                            Pop. Change:
  1919.  1.1%
  1920. Government:
  1921.  Democratically elected 315-member Senate and
  1922. 630-member Chamber of Deputies
  1923. "Geographt"
  1924. Geography
  1925. Main Rivers:
  1926.  Po, Tiber, Arno, Volturno, Garigliano
  1927. Highest Point:
  1928.  Monte Bianco 4760m
  1929. Climate:
  1930.  Mediterranean
  1931. Other Features:
  1932.  Italy is mainly mountainous or hilly, but
  1933. the north is dominated by the flat plain of the  river Po. 
  1934. Button1
  1935. Click For:>>>
  1936. Button2
  1937. Button3
  1938. Defence & Pop.Info
  1939. Button4
  1940. Geography
  1941. "Italy"
  1942. Note1
  1943.                 LATVIA
  1944. Offical Name:
  1945.  Latvija
  1946. Political Status:
  1947.  Republic
  1948. Area(sq.km):
  1949.  63,700
  1950. Population:
  1951.  2,686,000
  1952. Pop. Density:
  1953. Life Expectancy:
  1954.  70 yrs
  1955. Capital City:
  1956.  Riga
  1957. Main Cities:
  1958.  Daugavpils, Liepaja, Jelgava, Ventspils, Rezekne
  1959. Principal Languages:
  1960.  Latvian
  1961. Principal Religions:
  1962.  Protestant
  1963. Organisations:
  1964.  UN, CSCE
  1965. Economy:
  1966.  Currency:
  1967.  Latvian Rouble
  1968.          Main Products:
  1969.  Machinery, Clothing,Paper
  1970. Geography:
  1971.  Principal Rivers:
  1972.  Venta, Dvina
  1973.            Highest Point:
  1974.  Gaizipa kalns 311m
  1975.            Climate:
  1976.  Windy, Cloudy and Humid
  1977.            Other Features:
  1978.  Forests, Meadows, Swamps and
  1979. wasteland
  1980. predominate in a low-lying
  1981. country. 
  1982. Button1
  1983. Click For:>>>Population Info
  1984. Drawing1
  1985. "Population"
  1986. Other Population Figures:
  1987.  Infant Mortality: 11 per 1000
  1988. "Latvia"
  1989. Note1
  1990.                 LIECHTENSTEIN
  1991. Offical Name:
  1992.  Furstentum Liechtenstein(Principality of Liecht.)
  1993. Political Status:
  1994.  Constitutional Monarchy
  1995. Area(sq.km):
  1996. Population:
  1997.  29,000
  1998. Pop.Density:
  1999. Life Expectancy:
  2000.  70 yrs
  2001. Capital City:
  2002.  Vaduz
  2003. Main Cities:
  2004.  Balzers
  2005. Principal Languages:
  2006.  German
  2007. Principal Religons:
  2008.  Roman Catholic
  2009. Organisations:
  2010.  UN, EFTA, CSCE, Council of Europe
  2011. Education:
  2012.  Literacy Rate:
  2013.  100%
  2014.            Compulsory Schooling:
  2015.  6-15 yrs
  2016.            No. of Universities:
  2017.  none
  2018. Economy:
  2019.  Currency:
  2020.  Swiss Franc
  2021.          GNP:
  2022.  21,000
  2023.          Main Products:
  2024.  Machinery, Metal Products
  2025. Picture1
  2026. SoE Working Disk:FLAGS MedRes
  2027. SwePolMonSMaLieGre
  2028. Drawing1
  2029. Note2
  2030. Defence:
  2031.  Liechtenstein`s defence is the responsibility of
  2032. Switzerland
  2033. Other Population Figures:
  2034.  Urban Population:
  2035.                            Infant Mortality:
  2036.  3 per 1000
  2037.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  2038.  7.7%
  2039. Government:
  2040.  Democratically elected 25-member Landstag
  2041. Note3
  2042. Geography
  2043. Main Rivers:
  2044.  Rhine, Samina
  2045. Highest Point:
  2046.  Grauspitze 2599m
  2047. Climate:
  2048.  Mild Alpine climate
  2049. Other Features:
  2050.  Plains in the north are
  2051. divided by the Rhine with the Alps in the
  2052. south.
  2053. Button1
  2054. Click For:>>>
  2055. Button2
  2056. Button3
  2057. Defence & Pop.Info
  2058. Button4
  2059. Geography
  2060. "Liechtenstein"
  2061. Note1
  2062.                LITHUANIA
  2063. Offical Name:
  2064.  Lietuva
  2065. Political Status:
  2066. Republic
  2067. Area(sq.km):
  2068. 65,200
  2069. Population:
  2070. 3,731,000
  2071. Pop. Density:
  2072. Life Expectancy:
  2073.  71 yrs
  2074. Capital City:
  2075. Vilinus
  2076. Main Cities:
  2077. Kaunas, Klaipeda, Slauliai, Panevezys
  2078. Principal Languages:
  2079. Lithuanian
  2080. Principal Religons:
  2081. Roman Catholic
  2082. Organisations:
  2083. UN, CSCE, Council of Europe
  2084. Economy:
  2085.  Currency:
  2086. Rouble
  2087.          Main Products:
  2088. Crude Oil, Food, Consumer Electronics
  2089. Geography:
  2090.  Main Rivers:
  2091. Neman
  2092.            Highest Point:
  2093. No mountain ranges, HP is 284m high
  2094.            Climate:
  2095. Temperate
  2096.            Other Features:
  2097. Land is very low-lying,on the shores
  2098. of the Baltic Sea.
  2099. Drawing1
  2100. Note2
  2101. Other Population Figures:
  2102.  Infant Mortality: 11 per 1000
  2103. Button1
  2104. Click For:>>>Population Info
  2105. "Lithuania"
  2106. Button1
  2107. Button2
  2108. Click For:>>>
  2109. Note1
  2110.                 LUXEMBOURG
  2111. Offical Name:
  2112.  Grand-Duche de Luxembourg(Grand Duchy of Lux.)
  2113. Political Status:
  2114.  Constitional Monarchy
  2115. Area(sq.km):
  2116.  2,585
  2117. Population:
  2118.  381,000
  2119. Pop. Density:
  2120. Life Expectancy:
  2121.  75 yrs
  2122. Capital City:
  2123.  Luxembourg
  2124. Main City:
  2125.  Diekirch
  2126. Principal Languages:
  2127.  Luxembourgian, French, German
  2128. Principal Religions:
  2129.  Roman Catholic
  2130. Organisations:
  2131.  UN, EU, OECD, NATO, WEU, CSCE, C. of Europe
  2132. Education:
  2133.  Literacy Rate:
  2134.  100%
  2135.            Compulsory Schooling:
  2136.  6-15 yrs
  2137.            No. of Universities:
  2138. Economy:
  2139.  Currency:
  2140.  Franc
  2141.          GNP:
  2142.  24,860 US$
  2143.          Main Products:
  2144.  Metal Products, Machinery, Plastics
  2145. Button3
  2146. Defence & Pop.Info
  2147. Button4
  2148. Geography
  2149. Drawing1
  2150. "Pop,Defence&Government"
  2151. Defence:
  2152.  Military Service:
  2153.  None
  2154.          Total Armed Forces:
  2155. Other Population Figures:
  2156.  Urban Population:
  2157.                            Infant Mortality:
  2158.  9 per 1000
  2159.                            Pop. Change: 1980-90:
  2160.  2.5%
  2161. Government:
  2162.  Democrat. elected 60-member Chamber of Deputies
  2163. Governmeber 
  2164. mocrat. elected 60-member Chamber of Deputies
  2165. "Geography"
  2166. Geography
  2167. Main Rivers:
  2168.  Moselle, Sure, Our, Alzette
  2169. Highest Point:
  2170.  Huldange 550m
  2171. Climate:
  2172.  Mild and temperate
  2173. Other Features:
  2174.  The north is made up of thickly forested
  2175. river valleys and the south mainly rolling, lush pastureland.
  2176. "Luxembourg"
  2177. Note1
  2178.                MACEDONIA
  2179. Official Name:
  2180.  Republika Makedonija (internal) The Former
  2181. Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (international)
  2182. Political Status:
  2183.  Republic
  2184. Area(sq.km):
  2185.  25,713
  2186. Population:
  2187.  2,034,000
  2188. Pop. Density:
  2189. Life Expectancy:
  2190.  72 yrs
  2191. Capital City:
  2192.  Skopje
  2193. Main Cities:
  2194.  Ohrid, Prilep, Bitola, Kumanovo
  2195. Principal Languages:
  2196.  Macedonian
  2197. Principal Religons:
  2198.  Orthodox
  2199. Organisations:
  2200. Economy:
  2201.  Currency:
  2202.  Dinar
  2203. Geography:
  2204.  Main Rivers:
  2205.  Vardar,Crna
  2206.            Highest Point:
  2207.  Titov vrh 2702m
  2208.            Climate:
  2209.  Dry summers but heavy rainfall in mountains
  2210.            Other Features:
  2211.  Landlocked mountainous country,
  2212. divided by two major river valleys.
  2214. "Flag"
  2215.     Ram Disk:
  2216. MacSlov
  2217. "Population"
  2218. Other Population Figures:
  2219.  Infant Mortality:
  2220.  35 per 1000
  2221. Button1
  2222. Click For:>>>Population Info
  2223. "Macedonia"
  2224. Button1
  2225. Button2
  2226. Click For:>>>
  2227. Note1
  2228.                    MALTA
  2229. Offical Name:
  2230.  Repubblika Ta`Malta (Republic of Malta)
  2231. Political Status:
  2232.  Republic
  2233. Area(sq.km):
  2234. Population:
  2235.  354,000
  2236. Pop. Density:
  2237.  1,120
  2238. Life Expectancy:
  2239.  74 yrs
  2240. Capital City:
  2241.  Valletta
  2242. Main Towns:
  2243.  Sliema, Victoria
  2244. Principal Languages:
  2245.  Maltese, English
  2246. Principal Religons:
  2247.  Roman Catholic
  2248. Organisations:
  2249.  UN, C, CSCE, Council of Europe
  2250. Education:
  2251.  Literacy Rate:
  2252.            Compulsory Schooling:
  2253.  5-16 yrs
  2254.            No. of Universities:
  2255. Economy:
  2256.  Currency:
  2257.  Lira
  2258.          GNP:
  2259.  5,820 US$
  2260.          Main Products:
  2261.  Manufactured Goods, Machinery
  2262. "Flag"
  2263. SoE Working Disk:FLAGS MedRes
  2264. MalVatPorSwiUKAlb
  2265. "Pop,Defence&Government"
  2266. Defence:
  2267.  Military Service:
  2268.  None
  2269.          Total Armed Forces:
  2270.  1500
  2271. Other Population Figures:
  2272.  Urban Population:
  2273.                            Infant Mortality:
  2274.  9 per 1000
  2275.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  2276. Government:
  2277.  Democratically elected 65-member House of
  2278. Representatives
  2279. "Geography"
  2280. Geography
  2281. Main Rivers:
  2282.  There are no significant rivers
  2283. Highest Point:
  2284.  an unnamed point 249m
  2285. Climate:
  2286.  Mediterranean
  2287. Other Features:
  2288.  Malta consists of three inhabited islands
  2289. made of a low limestone plateaux.
  2290. Button3
  2291. Defence & Pop.Info
  2292. Button4
  2293. Geography
  2294. "Malta"
  2295. Note1
  2296.                MOLDOVA
  2297. Offical Name:
  2298.  Republica Moldoveneasca
  2299. Political Status:
  2300.  Republic
  2301. Area(sq.km):
  2302.  33,700
  2303. Population:
  2304.  4,368,000
  2305. Pop. Density:
  2306. Life Expectency:
  2307.  69 yrs
  2308. Capital City:
  2309.  Kishinev
  2310. Main Cities:
  2311.  Tiraspol, Beltsy, Bendery, Kagul, Orgeyez, Ryonitsa
  2312. Principal Languages:
  2313.  Romanian
  2314. Principal Religions:
  2315.  Orthodox
  2316. Organisations:
  2317.  UN, CSCE, CIS
  2318. Economy:
  2319.  Currency:
  2320.  Rouble
  2321.          Main Products:
  2322.  Machinery, Grapes, Consumer Products
  2323. Geography:
  2324.  Main Rivers:
  2325.  Dniester, Reut
  2326.            Highest Point:
  2327.  There are no major mountains
  2328.            Climate:
  2329.  Warm and dry, with mild winters
  2330.            Other Features:
  2331.  Moldavia is a country of hilly plains,
  2332. soil is very fertile for arable farming.
  2333. Button1
  2334. Click For:>>>Population Info
  2335. Drawing1
  2336. Note2
  2337. Other Population Figures:
  2338.  Infant Mortality:
  2339.  21 per 1000
  2340. "Moldavia"
  2341. Button1
  2342. Button2
  2343. Click For:>>>
  2344. Note1
  2345.               MONACO
  2346. Offical Name:
  2347.  Principaute de Monaco (Principality of Monaco)
  2348. Political Status:
  2349.  Consitutional Monarchy
  2350. Area(sq.km):
  2351. Population:
  2352.  29,000
  2353. Pop. Density:
  2354.  14,500
  2355. Life Expectancy:
  2356.  76 yrs
  2357. Capital City:
  2358.  Monaco-Ville
  2359. Main Town:
  2360.  Monte Carlo
  2361. Principal Languages:
  2362.  French
  2363. Principal Religons:
  2364.  Roman Catholic
  2365. Organisations:
  2366.  UN, CSCE
  2367. Education:
  2368.  Literacy Rate:
  2369.            Compulsory Schooling:
  2370.  6-16 yrs
  2371.            No. of Universities:
  2372.  none
  2373. Economy:
  2374.  Currency:
  2375.  French Franc
  2376.          GNP:
  2377.  11,350 US$
  2378.          Main Products:
  2379.  Chemicals, Plastics
  2380. Drawing1
  2381. "Pop,Defence&Government"
  2382. Defence:
  2383.  There are no armed forces except for a small palace
  2384. guard
  2385. Other Population Figures:
  2386.  Urban Population:
  2388.  Infant Mortality:
  2389.  9 per 1000
  2391.  Pop. Change 1980-90:
  2392. Government:
  2393.  Legislative power is jointly held by the Prince and
  2394. the Democratically elected 18-member National Council
  2395. "Geography"
  2396. Geography
  2397. Main River:
  2398.  Vesubie
  2399. Highest Point:
  2400.  on Chemin de Revoires 162m
  2401. Climate:
  2402.  Mediterranean
  2403. Other Features:
  2404.  Consists of a rocky peninsula and a short
  2405. stretch of land on the French Mediterranean coast.
  2406. Button3
  2407. Defence & Pop.Info
  2408. Button4
  2409. Geography
  2410. "Monaco"
  2411. Button1
  2412. Button2
  2413. Click For:>>>
  2414. Note1
  2416.      NETHERLANDS
  2417. Offical Name:
  2418.  Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (Kingdom of Nether.)
  2419. Political Status:
  2420.  Constitutional Monarchy
  2421. Area(sq.km):
  2422.  41,160
  2423. Population:
  2424.  14,937,000
  2425. Pop. Density:
  2426. Life Expectancy:
  2427.  78 yrs
  2428. Capital City:
  2429.  Amsterdam
  2430. Main Cities:
  2431.  The Hauge, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Arnhem
  2432. Principal Languages:
  2433.  Dutch
  2434. Principal Religons:
  2435.  Roman Catholic, Protestant
  2436. Organisations:
  2437.  UN, EU, NATO, CSCE, WEU, OECD, C. of Europe
  2438. Education:
  2439.  Literacy Rate:
  2440.            Compulsory Schooling:
  2441.  5-16 yrs
  2442.            No. of Universities
  2443. Economy:
  2444.  Currency:
  2445.  Guilder
  2446.          GNP:
  2447.  16,010 US$
  2448.          Main Products:
  2449.  Machinery, Transport equipment, Foods
  2450. Button3
  2451. Defence & Pop.Info
  2452. Button4
  2453. Geography
  2454. Drawing1
  2455. Note2
  2456. Defence:
  2457.  Military Service:
  2458.  14-17 months
  2459.          Total Armed Forces:
  2460.  103,700
  2461. Other Population Figures:
  2462.  Urban Population:
  2463.                            Infant Mortality:
  2464.  8 per 1000
  2465.                            Pop. Change:
  2466.  5.7%
  2467. Government:
  2468.  Democratically elected 75-member First Chamber of
  2469. the States General and 150-member Second Chamber 
  2470. "Geography"
  2471. Geography
  2472. Main Rivers:
  2473.  Rhine,Maas,Lek,Waal,Oude Rijn
  2474. Highest Point:
  2475.  Vaalserberg 321m
  2476. Climate:
  2477.  Maritime temperate
  2478. Other Features:
  2479.  The Netherlands are very low-lying with
  2480. networks of dykes and canals to prevent flooding
  2481. "Netherlands"
  2482. Button1
  2483. Button2
  2484. Click For:>>>
  2485. Note1
  2486.               NORWAY
  2487. Offical Name:
  2488.  Kongeriket Norge (Kingdom of Norway)
  2489. Political Status:
  2490.  Consitutional
  2491. Monarchy
  2492. Area(sq.km):
  2493.  323,895
  2494. Population:
  2495.  4,242,000
  2496. Pop. Density:
  2497. Life Expectency:
  2498.  74 yrs
  2499. Capital City:
  2500.  Oslo
  2501. Main Cities:
  2502.  Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand,
  2503. Drammen
  2504. Principal Languages:
  2505.  Norwegian
  2506. Principal Religons:
  2507.  Protestant
  2508. Organisations:
  2509.  UN, EFTA, OECD, NATO, CSCE, Council of Europe
  2510. Education:
  2511.  Compulsory Schooling:
  2512.  7-16 yrs
  2513.            No. of Universities:
  2514. Economy:
  2515.  Currency:
  2516.  Krone
  2517.          GNP:
  2518.  21,850
  2519.          Main Products:
  2520.  Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Metal Products
  2521. Drawing1
  2522. Note2
  2523. Defence:
  2524.  Military Service:
  2525.  12-15 months
  2526.          Total Armed Forces:
  2527.  34,100
  2528. Other Population Figures:
  2529.  Urban Population:
  2530.                            Infant Mortality:
  2531.  6 per 1000
  2532.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  2533.  3.1%
  2534. Government:
  2535.  Democratically elected 165-member Storting
  2536. "Geography"
  2537. Geography
  2538. Main Rivers:
  2539.  Glomma, Lagen, Tanaelv
  2540. Highest Point:
  2541.  Gladhopiggen 2469m
  2542. Climate:
  2543.  Temperate
  2544. Other Features:
  2545.  Mountains and, on the coast, fjords are the
  2546. principal geographical features of Norway.
  2547. Button3
  2548. Defence & Pop.Info
  2549. Button4
  2550. Geography
  2551. "Norway"
  2552. Button1
  2553. Button2
  2554. Click For:>>>
  2555. Note1
  2556.               POLAND
  2557. Offical Name:
  2558.  Polska Rzecpospolita (Republic of Poland)
  2559. Political Status:
  2560.  Republic
  2561. Area(sq.km):
  2562.  312,685
  2563. Population:
  2564.  38,180,000
  2565. Pop. Density:
  2566. Life Expectancy:
  2567.  72 yrs
  2568. Capital City:
  2569.  Warsaw
  2570. Main Cities:
  2571.  Lodz, Krakow, Wroclaw, Poznan, Gdansk, Szczecin
  2572. Principal Languages:
  2573.  Polish
  2574. Principal Religions:
  2575.  Roman Catholic
  2576. Organisations:
  2577.  UN, CSCE, Council of Europe
  2578. Education:
  2579.  Literacy Rate:
  2580.            Compulsory Schooling:
  2581.  7-14 yrs
  2582.            No. of Universities:
  2583. Economy:
  2584.  Currency:
  2585.  Zloty
  2586.          GNP:
  2587.  1,760 US$
  2588.          Main Products:
  2589.  Machinery, Transport equ., Chemicals,
  2590. Drawing1
  2591. "Pop,Defence&Government"
  2592. Defence:
  2593.  Military Service:
  2594.  18-24 months
  2595.          Total Armed Forces:
  2596.  412,000
  2597. Other Population Figures:
  2598.  Urban Population:
  2599.                            Infant Mortality:
  2600.  17 per 1000
  2601.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  2602. Government:
  2603.  100-member Senate (upper house) and 460-member
  2604. Sejm (lower house)
  2605. "Geography"
  2606. Geography
  2607. Main Rivers:
  2608.  Vistula, Oder, Narew
  2609. Highest Point:
  2610.  Rysy 2499m
  2611. Climate:
  2612.  Short warm summers and long cold winters
  2613. Other Features:
  2614.  Most of Poland consists of low-land, with the
  2615. exception of the Carpathian mountains in the south.
  2616. Button3
  2617. Defence & Pop.Info
  2618. Button4
  2619. Geography
  2620. "Poland"
  2621. Note1
  2622.                 PORTUGAL
  2623. Offical Name:
  2624.  A Republica Portuguesa (The Portugese Republic)
  2625. Political Status:
  2626.  Parliamentary State 
  2627. Area(sq.km):
  2628.  88,940
  2629. Population:
  2630.  10,525,000
  2631. Pop. Density:
  2632. Life Expectancy:
  2633.  75 yrs
  2634. Capital City:
  2635.  Lisbon
  2636. Main Cities:
  2637.  Porto, Setubal, Coimbra, Braga, Vila Nova de Gaia
  2638. Principal Languages:
  2639.  Portugese
  2640. Principal Religions:
  2641.  Roman Catholic
  2642. Organisations:
  2643.  UN, EC, OECD, NATO, C. of Europe, CSCE, WEU
  2644. Education:
  2645.  Literacy Rate:
  2646.            Compulsory Schooling:
  2647.  6-15 yrs
  2648.            No. of Universities:
  2649. Economy:
  2650. Currency:
  2651.  Escudo
  2652.          GNP:
  2653.  4,260 US$
  2654.          Main Products:
  2655.  Textiles, Clothing, Electrical Machinery
  2656. "Flag"
  2657. SoE Working Disk:FLAGS MedRes
  2658. MalVatPorSwiUKAlb
  2659. ""Pop,Defence,Govern,Auton Regions"
  2660. Defence:
  2661.  Military Service:
  2662.  12-20 months
  2663.          Total Armed Forces:
  2664.  75,300
  2665. Other Population Figures:
  2666.  Urban Population:
  2667.                            Infant Mortality:
  2668.  13 per 1000
  2669.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  2670.  5.3%
  2671. Government:
  2672.  Democratically elected 250-member Assembly
  2673.                  Portugese Autonomous Regions
  2675. AZORES
  2677. MADEIRA
  2678. Area(sq.km):      
  2680. Population:       
  2681. 254,000
  2683. 272,000
  2684. Capital:          
  2685. Ponta Delgada
  2687. Funchal
  2688. "Geography"
  2689. Geography
  2690. Main Rivers:
  2691.  Tagus, Douro, Guadiana
  2692. Highest Point:
  2693.  Pico 2315m (Azores) 
  2694. Climate:
  2695.  Mild temperate
  2696. Other Features:
  2697.  Portugal consists of lush forests in the
  2698. northern mountains, and Mediterranean scrub in the south. 
  2699. Button1
  2700. Click For:>>>
  2701. Button2
  2702. Button3
  2703. Defence & Pop.Info
  2704. Button4
  2705. Geography
  2706. "Portugal"
  2707. Note1
  2708.                ROMANIA
  2709. Offical Name:
  2710.  Romania
  2711. Political Status:
  2712.  Republic
  2713. Area(sq.km):
  2714.  237,500
  2715. Population:
  2716.  23,200,000
  2717. Pop. Density:
  2718. Life Expectancy:
  2719.  72 yrs
  2720. Capital City:
  2721.  Bucharest
  2722. Main Cities:
  2723.  Brasov, Timisoara, Iasi, Cluj, Constanta, Galati
  2724. Principal Languages:
  2725.  Romanian
  2726. Principal Religons:
  2727.  Orthodox
  2728. Organisations:
  2729.  UN, CSCE, Council of Europe
  2730. Education:
  2731.  Literacy Rate:
  2732.            Compulsory Schooling:
  2733.  6-16 yrs
  2734.            No. of Universities:
  2735. Economy:
  2736.  Currency:
  2737.          GNP:
  2738.  3,445 US$
  2739.          Main Products:
  2740.  Machinery, Transport equ., Fuels
  2741. Drawing1
  2742. Note2
  2743. Defence:
  2744.  Military Service:
  2745.  16-24 months
  2746.          Total Armed Forces:
  2747.  171,000
  2748. Other Population Figures:
  2749.  Urban Population:
  2750.                            Infant Mortality:
  2751.  19 per 1000
  2752.                            Pop. Change 1980-90
  2753.  4.8%
  2754. Government:
  2755.  Democratically elected 396-seat National Assembly
  2756. and 119-seat Senate
  2757. "Geography"
  2758. Geography
  2759. Main Rivers:
  2760.  Danube, Mures, Prut
  2761. Highest Point:
  2762.  Moldoveanu 2544m
  2763. Climate:
  2764.  Continental
  2765. Other Features:
  2766.  Romania consists of lowlands in the west,
  2767. east & south, with the Carpathian mountains in the north.
  2768. Button1
  2769. Click For:>>>
  2770. Button2
  2771. Button3
  2772. Defence & Pop.Info
  2773. Button4
  2774. Geography
  2775.     "Romania"
  2776. Note1
  2777.        RUSSIA
  2778. (Stats are for all Russia,not just European Russia)
  2779. Offical Name:
  2780.  Rossiyskaya Federatinaya Respublika (Republic of
  2781. the Russian Federation) or Rossiya (Russia)
  2782. Political Status:
  2783.  Republic
  2784. Area(sq.km):
  2785.  17,078,000
  2786. Population:
  2787.  148,263,000
  2788. Pop. Density:
  2789. Life Expectancy:
  2790.  70 yrs
  2791. Capital City:
  2792.  Moscow
  2793. Main Cities:
  2794.  St.Petersburg, Nizhniy, Novgorod, Yekaterinburg
  2795. Principal Languages:
  2796.  Russian
  2797. Principal Religons:
  2798.  Orthodox
  2799. Organisations:
  2800.  UN, CIS, CSCE
  2801. Economy:
  2802.  Currency:
  2803.  Rouble
  2805. Geography:
  2806.  Main Rivers:
  2807.  Yenisei, Ob, Amur, Lena, Volga, 
  2808.            Highest Point:
  2809.  Elbrus 5633 m
  2810.            Climate:
  2811.  Varies hugely, from severe tundra to desert
  2812.            Other Features:
  2813. Artic deserts in north semi-deserts in
  2814. far south, elsewhere marshy, treeless plains and forests.
  2815. Drawing1
  2816. Button1
  2817. Click For:>>More Info
  2818. "Pop,Regions"
  2819. Other Population Figures:
  2820. Infant Mortality:
  2821. 18 per 1000
  2822. The Russian Federation includes 16 autonomous republics:
  2823. Bashkiria              Kalmykia        Tataria
  2824. Buryatia              Karelia          Tuva
  2825. Checheno-Ingushetia  Komi             Udmurtia
  2826. Chuvashia             Mari El          Yakutia
  2827. Dagestan              Mordova
  2828. Kabardino-Balkaria    North Ossetia
  2829. "Russia"
  2830. Button1
  2831. Button2
  2832. Click For:>>>
  2833. Note1
  2834.             SAN MARINO
  2835. Offical Name:
  2836. Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino
  2837. Political Status:
  2838. Republic
  2839. Area(sq.km):
  2840. Population:
  2841. 24,000
  2842. Pop. Density:
  2843. Life Expectancy:
  2844. 76 yrs
  2845. Capital City:
  2846.  San Marino
  2847. Main Towns:
  2848. Seravalle
  2849. Principal Languages:
  2850. Italian
  2851. Principal Religons:
  2852.  Roman Catholic
  2853. Organisations:
  2854. UN, CSCE, Council of Europe
  2855. Education:
  2856.  Literacy Rate:
  2857.            Compulsory Schooling:
  2858. 6-14 yrs
  2859.            No. of Universities:
  2860. Economy:
  2861.  Currency:
  2862. Italian Lira
  2863.          GNP:
  2864.  8,590 US$
  2865.          Main Products:
  2866. Wine, Wheat, Dairy Products, Ceramics
  2867. Drawing1
  2868. "Pop,Government"
  2869. Defence:
  2870.  There are no armed forces
  2871. Other Population Figures:
  2872. Infant Mortality:
  2873.  14 per 1000
  2874. Government:
  2875.  Democratically elected 60-member Great and
  2876. General Council
  2877. "Geography"
  2878. Geography
  2879. Main Rivers:
  2880.  There are no significant rivers 
  2881. Highest Point:
  2882.  Monte Titano 739m
  2883. Climate:
  2884.  Mild Mediterranean
  2885. Other Features:
  2886.  San Marino is dominated by the triple
  2887. limestone peaks of Monte Titano(see above).
  2888. Button3
  2889. Defence & Pop.Info
  2890. Button4
  2891. Geography
  2892. "San Marino"
  2893. Note1
  2894.                SLOVAKIA
  2895. Offical Name:
  2896.  Republika Slovenska (Slovak Republic)
  2897. Political Status:
  2898.  Republic
  2899. Area(sq.km):
  2900.  49,036
  2901. Population:
  2902.  5,262,000
  2903. Pop. Density:
  2904. Life Expectancy:
  2905.  71 yrs
  2906. Capital City:
  2907.  Bratislavia
  2908. Main Cities:
  2909.  Kosice, Banska, Bystrica, Nitra, Trnava, Presov
  2910. Principal Languages:
  2911.  Slovak
  2912. Principal Religions:
  2913.  Roman Catholic
  2914. Organisations:
  2915.  UN, CSCE
  2916. Economy:
  2917.  Currency:
  2918.  Koruna
  2919.          GNP:
  2920.  3,140 US$
  2921.          Main Products:
  2922.  Machinery, Agricultural Products
  2923. Geography:
  2924.  Main Rivers:
  2925.  Hron, Vah
  2926.            Highest Point:
  2927.  Gerlachovsky 2663 m
  2928.            Climate:
  2929.  Harsh winters, warm summers
  2930.            Other Features:
  2931.  Sth:Mountains Nth:fertile land
  2932. Button1
  2933. Click For:>>>Population Info
  2934. Picture1
  2935.     Ram Disk:
  2936. "Population"
  2937. Other Population Figures:
  2938.  Infant Mortality:
  2939.  11 per 1000
  2940. "Slovakia"
  2941. Button1
  2942. Click For:>>>Population Info
  2943. Note1
  2944.                SLOVENIA
  2945. Offical Name:
  2946.  Republika Slovenija (Republic of Slovenia)
  2947. Political Status:
  2948.  Republic
  2949. Area(sq.km):
  2950.  20,250
  2951. Population:
  2952.  1,900,000
  2953. Pop. Density:
  2954. Life Expectancy:
  2955.  73 yrs
  2956. Capital City:
  2957.  Ljubljana
  2958. Main Cities:
  2959.  Maribor, Celje, Koper, Kranj
  2960. Principal Languages:
  2961.  Slovene
  2962. Principal Religons:
  2963.  Roman Catholic
  2964. Organisations:
  2965.  UN, CSCE, Council of Europe
  2966. Economy:
  2967.  Currency:
  2968.  Tolar
  2969.          Main Products:
  2970.  Machinery, Transport equ., Chemicals
  2971. Geography:
  2972.  Main Rivers:
  2973.  Sava
  2974.            Highest Point:
  2975.  Triglav 2863 m
  2976.            Climate:
  2977.  Mediterranean
  2978.            Other Features:
  2979.  Most of the country is mountainous,
  2980. and most people live in the flatter
  2981. area around Ljubljana.
  2982. "Flag"
  2983. SoE Working Disk:FLAGS MedRes
  2984. LitSloDenFinIceNor
  2985. "Population"
  2986. Other Population Figures:
  2987.  Infant Mortality:
  2988.  9 per 1000
  2989. "Slovenia"
  2990. Note1
  2991.               SPAIN
  2992. Offical Name:
  2993.  Espana (Spain)
  2994. Political Status:
  2995.  Consitutional Monarchy
  2996. Area(sq.km):
  2997.  504,880
  2998. Population:
  2999.  38,959,000
  3000. Pop. Density:
  3001. Life Expectancy:
  3002.  77 yrs
  3003. Capital City:
  3004.  Madrid
  3005. Main Cities:
  3006.  Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Malaga
  3007. Principal Languages:
  3008.  Spanish, Catalan, Basque
  3009. Principal Religons:
  3010.  Roman Catholic
  3011. Organisations:
  3012.  UN, EU, NATO, WEU, CSCE, OECD, C. of Europe
  3013. Education:
  3014.  Literacy Rate:
  3015.            Compulsory Schooling:
  3016.  6-14 yrs
  3017.            No. of Universities:
  3018. Economy:
  3019.  Currency:
  3020.  Peseta
  3021.          GNP:
  3022.  9,150
  3023.          Main Products:
  3024.  Motor vehicles, Petroleum products, Iron
  3025. ore, Food
  3026. Drawing1
  3027. Button1
  3028. Click For:>>>
  3029. Button2
  3030. Button3
  3031. Geography
  3032. Button4
  3033. Defence & Pop.Info
  3034. Button5
  3035. Regions
  3036.     "Regions"
  3037. Spanish Autonomous Communities
  3038. Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Basque Country, Canary
  3039. Islands, Cantabria, Castile-La Mancha, Castile-Leon, Catalonia,
  3040. Extremadura, Galicia, Madrid, Murcia, Navarre, La Rioja, Valencia.
  3041. "Defence,Pop&Government"
  3042. Defence:
  3043.  Military Service:
  3044.  9 months
  3045.          Total Armed Forces:
  3046.  285,000
  3047. Other Population Figures:
  3048.  Urban Population:
  3049.                            Infant Mortality:
  3050.  9 per 1000
  3051.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  3052.  4.4%
  3053. Government:
  3054.  Democratically elected 208-member Senate (upper
  3055. house) and 350-member Congress of Deputies (lower house)
  3056. "Geography"
  3057. Geography
  3058. Main Rivers:
  3059.  Tagus, Ebro, Douro, Guadiana, Guadalquivir
  3060. Highest Point:
  3061.  Pico del Tiede 3716m
  3062. Climate:
  3063.  Most of Spain has a Mediterranean climate
  3064. Other Features:
  3065.  Mountain ranges, including the Cantabrians
  3066. and the Sierra Nevada, fringe vast central plateau.
  3067. "Spain"
  3068. Button1
  3069. Button2
  3070. Click For:>>>
  3071. Note1
  3072.                 SWEDEN
  3073. Offical Name:
  3074. Konungariket Sverige (Kingdom of Sweden)
  3075. Political Status:
  3076. Constitutional Monarchy
  3077. Area(sq.km):
  3078. 449,790
  3079. Population:
  3080.  8,559,000
  3081. Pop. Density:
  3082. Life Expectancy:
  3083. 78 yrs
  3084. Capital City:
  3085. Stockholm
  3086. Main Cities:
  3087. Gotenburg, Malmo, Uppsala, Linkoping, Orebro
  3088. Principal Languages:
  3089. Swedish
  3090. Principal Religons:
  3091.  Evangelical Luthern Church of Sweden
  3092. Organisations:
  3093.  UN, EFTA, CSCE, OECD, Council of Europe
  3094. Education:
  3095.  Literacy Rate:
  3096.  100%
  3097.            Compulsory Schooling:
  3098. 7-16 yrs
  3099.            No. of Universities:
  3100. Economy:
  3101. Currency:
  3102. Krona
  3103.          GNP:
  3104.  21,710
  3105.          Main Products:
  3106. Transport equ., Paper products
  3107. Drawing1
  3108. Note2
  3109. Defence:
  3110.  Military Service:
  3111.  7-15 months
  3112.         Total Armed Forces:
  3113.  64,500
  3114. Other Population Figures:
  3115.  Urban Population:
  3116.                            Infant Mortality:
  3117.  6 per 1000
  3118.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  3119.  1.6%
  3120. Government:
  3121.  Democratically elected 349-member Riksdag
  3123. "Geography"
  3124. Geography
  3125. Main Rivers:
  3126.  Ume, Torne, Angerman, Klar, Dal
  3127. Highest Point:
  3128.  Kebnekaise 2123m
  3129. Climate:
  3130.  Short, hot summers and long, cold winters
  3131. Other Features:
  3132.  Forested mountains in the north give way
  3133. to central lowlands and lakes and the fertile Scania plain.
  3134. Button3
  3135. Defence & Pop.Info
  3136. Button4
  3137. Geography
  3138. "Sweden"
  3139. Note1
  3140.                SWITZERLAND
  3141. Offical Name:
  3142.  Schweizerisch Eidgenossenschaft(German)
  3143. Confederation suisse(French) Confederazione Svizzera(Italian)
  3144. Confederaziun Helvetica(Romansch) (Swiss Confederation)
  3145. Political Status:
  3146.  Federal State
  3147. Area(sq.km):
  3148.  41,285
  3149. Population:
  3150.  6,712,000
  3151. Pop. Density:
  3152. Life Expectancy:
  3153.  78 yrs
  3154. Capital City:
  3155.  Berne
  3156. Main Cities:
  3157.  Zurich, Basel, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St.Gallen
  3158. Principal Languages:
  3159.  German, French, Italian, Romansch
  3160. Principal Religons:
  3161.  Roman Catholic, Protestant
  3162. Organisations:
  3163.  EFTA, CSCE, OECD, C. of Europe, UN(observer)
  3164. Education:
  3165.  Literacy Rate:
  3166.            Compulsory Schooling:
  3167.  7-16 yrs
  3168.            No. of Universities:
  3169. Economy:
  3170.  Currency:
  3171.  Franc
  3172.          GNP:
  3173.  30,270 US$
  3174.          Main Products:
  3175. Industrial machinery,Pharmaceuticals
  3176. Drawing1
  3177. Button1
  3178. Click For:>>>
  3179. Button2
  3180. Button3
  3181. Defence & Pop.Info
  3182. Button4
  3183. Geography
  3184. Drawing2
  3185. "Defence,Pop,Government"
  3186. Defence:
  3187.  Military Service:
  3188.  1 year
  3189.          Total Armed Forces:
  3190.  1,100,000
  3191. Other Population Figures:
  3192.  Urban Population:
  3193.                            Infant Mortality:
  3194.  7 per 1000
  3195.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  3196.  4.6%
  3197. Government:
  3198.  Democratically elected 46-member Council of
  3199. States and 200-member National Council
  3200. "Geography"
  3201. Geography
  3202. Main Rivers:
  3203.  Rhine, Rhone, Aare, Inn, Ticino
  3204. Highest Point:
  3205.  Dufourspitze 4634m
  3206. Climate:
  3207.  Varies with altitude, mainly very cold winters
  3208. and mild, wet summers
  3209. Other Features:
  3210.  Mainly mountainous, apart from the
  3211. central plateau,which contains most of the population.
  3212. "Switzerland"
  3213. Button1
  3214. Button2
  3215. Click For:>>>
  3216. Note1
  3217.      TURKEY
  3218. (stats are for all Turkey,not just European Turkey)
  3219. Offical Name:
  3220.  Turkiye Cumhuriyeti (Republic of Turkey)
  3221. Political Status:
  3222.  Republic
  3223. Area(sq.km):
  3224.  779,450
  3225. Population:
  3226.  56,098,000
  3227. Pop. Density:
  3228. Life Expectancy:
  3229.  66 yrs
  3230. Capital City:
  3231.  Ankara
  3232. Main Cities:
  3233.  Istanbul, Izmir, Adana, Bursa, Gaziantep, Konya
  3234. Principal Languages:
  3235.  Turkish, Kurdish
  3236. Principal Religons:
  3237.  Sunni Islam
  3238. Organisations:
  3239.  UN, NATO, OECD, CSCE, Council of Europe
  3240. Education:
  3241.  Literacy Rate:
  3242.            Compulsory Schooling:
  3243.  6-14 yrs
  3244.            No of Universities:
  3245. Economy:
  3246.  Currency:
  3247.  Lira
  3248.          GNP:
  3249.  1,360 US$
  3250.          Main Products:
  3251.  Textiles, Iron ore, Fruit, Leather
  3252. "Flag"
  3253. Ram Disk:FLAGS MedRes
  3254. SpaTurMolRusCroLux
  3255. "Defence,Pop,Government"
  3256. Defence:
  3257.  Military Service:
  3258.  18 months
  3259.          Total Armed Forces:
  3260.  650,900
  3261. Other Population Figures:
  3262.  Urban Population:
  3263.                            Infant Mortality:
  3264.  62 per 1000
  3265.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  3266.  32.1%
  3267. Government:
  3268.  Democratically elected 450-member National
  3269. Assembly
  3270. "Geography"
  3271. Geography
  3272. Main Rivers:
  3273.  Euphrates, Tigris, Kizilrmak, Sakarya
  3274. Highest Point:
  3275.  Buyuk Agridagi 5185m
  3276. Climate:
  3277.  Mediterranean
  3278. Other Features:
  3279.  Mountains in the north and south,
  3280. costal regions fringed by Mediterranean vegetation.
  3281. Button3
  3282. Defence & Pop.Info
  3283. Button4
  3284. Geography
  3285. "Turkey"
  3286. Note1
  3288.  UKRAINE
  3289. Offical Name: 
  3290. Ukraina (The Ukraine) 
  3291. Political Status: 
  3292. Republic
  3293. Area(sq.km):
  3294.  603,700
  3295. Population:
  3296.  51,857,000
  3297. Pop. Density:
  3298. Life Expectancy:
  3299.  71 yrs
  3300. Capital City: 
  3301. Main Cities:
  3302.  Kharkov, Donetsk, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk
  3303. Principal Languages:
  3304.  Ukrainian, Russian
  3305. Principal Religons:
  3306.  Orthodox
  3307. Organisations: 
  3308. UN, CIS, CSCE
  3309. Economy:
  3310.  Currency:
  3311.  Rouble
  3313. Main Products:
  3314.  Coal, Iron ore, Metal products, Grain
  3315. Geography:
  3316.  Main Rivers:
  3317.  Dniester, Dnieper
  3319. Highest Point:
  3320.  Goverla 2058 m
  3322. Climate:
  3323.  Warm, dry climate
  3325.   Other Features:
  3326.  Ukraine has diverse landscape:
  3327. marshes, forests, wooded and treeless semi-arid plains.
  3328. Button1
  3329. Click For:>>>Population Info
  3330. Drawing1
  3331. "Population"
  3332. Other Population Figures:
  3333.  Infant Mortality:
  3334.  13 per 1000
  3335.     "Ukraine"
  3336. Note1
  3337.              UNITED KINGDOM
  3338. Offical Name:
  3339.  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
  3340. Northern Ireland
  3341. Political Status:
  3342.  Constitutional Monarchy
  3343. Area(sq.km):
  3344.  244,755
  3345. Population:
  3346.  57,411,000
  3347. Pop. Density:
  3348. Life Expectancy:
  3349.  76 yrs
  3350. Capital City:
  3351.  London
  3352. Main Cities:
  3353.  Birmingham, Glasgow, Manchester, Leeds-Bradford
  3354. Principal Languages:
  3355.  English, Welsh, Gaelic (Irish & Scottish)
  3356. Principal Religons:
  3357.  Protestant, Roman Catholic
  3358. Organisations:
  3359.  UN, EU, NATO, C, G7, OECD, CSCE, C. of Europe
  3360. Education:
  3361.  Literacy Rate:
  3362.            Compulsory Schooling:
  3363.  5-16 yrs
  3364. Economy:
  3365.  Currency:
  3366.  Pound
  3367.          GNP:
  3368.  14,570 US$
  3369.          Main Products:
  3370.  Machinery, Transport equ., Chemicals
  3371.     "Leaders"
  3372. Prime Ministers since 1940
  3373. Churchill 1940-45
  3374. Atlee 1945-51
  3375. Churchill 1951-55
  3376. Eden 1955-57
  3377. MacMillan 1957-63
  3378. Douglas-Home 1963-64
  3379. Wilson 1964-70
  3380. Heath 1970-74
  3381. Wilson 1974-76
  3382. Callaghan 1976-79
  3383. Thatcher 1979-90
  3384. Major 1990-
  3385. Button1
  3386. Geography
  3387. Button2
  3388. Defence & Pop.Info
  3389. Button3
  3390. Leaders
  3391. Picture1
  3392. EUROPE:FLAGS MedRes
  3393. MalVatPorSwiUKAlb
  3394. Drawing1
  3395.  "Def,Pop,Govern,Countries of UK"
  3396. Defence:
  3397.  Total Armed Forces:
  3398.  311,600
  3399. Other Population Figures:
  3400.  Urban Population:
  3401.                            Infant Mortality:
  3402.  8 per 1000
  3403.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  3404.  1.6%
  3405. Government:
  3406.  1166-member House of Lords (upper house) and
  3407. democratically elected 650-member House of Common s(lower hs.)
  3408. COUNTRIES OF THE UK   Area:          Population:  Capital:
  3409. England                  130,441 sq.km  47,563,000    London
  3410. Northern Ireland        14,120 sq.km   1,578,000     Belfast
  3411. Scotland                 78,775 sq.km  5,094,000     Edinburgh
  3412. Wales                     20,768 sq.km  2,857,000     Cardiff
  3413. "Geography"
  3414. Geography
  3415. Main Rivers:
  3416.  Severn, Thames, Trent-Humber, Aire, Ouse, Wye
  3417. Highest Point:
  3418.  Ben Nevis 1392m
  3419. Climate:
  3420.  Temperate
  3421. Other Features:
  3422.  Britain consists of mountains in the north
  3423. and west and lowland in the east and south.
  3424. UK Dependencies in Europe
  3425.             Status   Area(sq.km)
  3426.  Population Capital
  3427. Guernsey   Crown Dep.   78        60,000    St Peter Port
  3428. Jersey      Crown Dep.  116        84,000    St Helier
  3429. Isle of Man Crown Dep.  572        64,000    Douglas
  3430. Gibraltar
  3431. Colony
  3434. 31,000
  3435. Gibraltar Town
  3436. "United Kingdom"
  3437. Note1
  3438.               VATICAN CITY
  3439. Offical Name:
  3440.  Stato della Citta del Vaticano(State of the
  3441. Vatican City)
  3442. Political Status:
  3443.  Independent Sovereignty
  3444. Area(sq.km):
  3445.  0.44
  3446. Population:
  3447.  1,000
  3449. Pop. Density:
  3450.  2,273
  3451. Capital City:
  3452.  Vatican City
  3453. Principal Languages:
  3454.  Italian, Latin
  3455. Principal Religons:
  3456.  Roman Catholic
  3457. Organisations:
  3458.  CSCE, UN (observer)
  3459. Education:
  3460.  No. of Universities:
  3461. Economy:
  3462.  Currency:
  3463.  Lira
  3464.          Main Products:
  3465.  Only industries are those connected
  3466. with the church
  3467. Geography:
  3468.  The state consists of the Vatican City, a walled
  3469. enclave in Rome.
  3470. Government:
  3471.  The Pope is elected Bishop of Rome
  3472.  and appoints a
  3473. Pontifical Commission
  3474. for administeration of the state.
  3475. Button1
  3476. Defence & Pop.Info
  3477. Button2
  3478. Leaders
  3479. Picture1
  3480. EUROPE:FLAGS MedRes
  3481. MalVatPorSwiUKAlb
  3482. "Pop"
  3483. Defence:
  3484.  Swiss Guard
  3485. Other Population Figures:
  3486.  Urban Population:
  3487.  100%
  3488.                            Pop. Change 1980-90:
  3489. "Popes"
  3490. Popes since 1846
  3491. Pius IX 1846-78
  3492. Leo XIII 1878-1903
  3493. St Pius X 1903-14
  3494. Benedict XV 1914-22
  3495. Pius XI 1922-39
  3496. Pius XII 1939-58
  3497. John XXIII 1958-63
  3498. Paul VI 1963-78
  3499. John Paul I 1978
  3500. John Paul II 1978-
  3501. "Vatican City"
  3502. Note1
  3503.                YUGOSLAVIA
  3504. Offical Name:
  3505.  Federativna Republika Jugoslavija
  3506. Political Status:
  3507.  Federal Republic
  3508. Area(sq.km):
  3509.  127,885
  3510. Population: 
  3511. 10,000,000
  3512. Pop. Density:
  3513. Life Expectancy:
  3514.  73 yrs
  3515. Capital City:
  3516.  Belgrade
  3517. Main Cities:
  3518.  Pristina, Subotica, Kragujevac, Podgorica
  3519. Principal Languages:
  3520.  Serbo-Croat
  3521. Principal Religons:
  3522.  Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Muslim
  3523. Organisations:
  3524.  UN, CSCE
  3525. Education:
  3526. Literacy Rate:
  3527.            Compulsory Schooling:
  3528.  7-15 yrs
  3529. Economy:
  3530. Currency:
  3531.  Dinar
  3532.          GNP:
  3533.  2,490
  3534.          Main Products:
  3535.  Coal, Copper, Transport equ., Chemicals
  3536. Yugoslav Autonomous Regions:
  3537.  Serbia (pop 9,760,000),
  3538. Montenegro (pop 632,000)
  3539. Drawing1
  3540. "Yugoslavia"
  3541. Button1
  3543. This section explains about the main
  3544. European international organisations,
  3545. includi
  3546. ng the EU and  the EFTA. It
  3547. explains how they work and what they
  3548. do. The biggest part of this section is
  3549. about the European Union, as it,
  3550. although one of the smallest
  3551. (membership wise), is one of the most
  3552. important internal European organisations.
  3554. %"European Organisations Introduction"
  3555. Button1
  3557. Button2
  3559. Button3
  3562. Button4
  3563. Button5
  3565. Button6
  3566. G7,CIS & CEFTA 
  3567. Button7
  3569. UNION
  3570. Button8
  3571. Button9
  3573. Button10
  3575. TREATY O
  3577. &"European International Organisations"
  3578. Picture1
  3579. SoE Working Disk:
  3580. European Flag(large)
  3581. Button1
  3583. List1
  3585.  States_of_Europe:Pictures/EC.iff
  3586. The Member Nations
  3587. History of the European Union
  3588. !How the European Union is Managed
  3589. The European Parliament
  3590. The Council of Ministers
  3591. 1The Council of Europe and The European Commission
  3592. The European Court of Justice
  3593. .The Economic and Social Committee and the ECSC
  3594. "EU1 The European Union"
  3595. Picture1
  3596.     Ram Disk:
  3597. Background Flag
  3598. Note1
  3599. The European Union: A Brief History
  3600. In 1950 the governments of Belgium, France, West
  3601. Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
  3602. began negotiations to integrate their interests in
  3603. certain fields. The result was the Treaty of Paris
  3604. (1951) under which the European Coal and Steel
  3605. Community was created. Attempts to establish a
  3606. community concerned with cooperation in foreign
  3607. affairs and defence were unsuccessful, but in 1957
  3608. the European Economic Community (EEC) and the
  3609. European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom)-with
  3610. memberships identical to the ECSC- came into being
  3611. under the terms of the Treaty of Rome.
  3612. The three communities were distinct entities until
  3613. 967, when they merged their exectives and
  3614. decision-making bodies into a single European
  3615. "EU2 History of the EU"
  3616. Picture1
  3617.     Ram Disk:
  3618. Background Flag
  3619. Note1
  3620. Community (the EC). The Community has since been
  3621. enlarged through the accession of Denmark, Greece,
  3622. Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the UK and the
  3623. reunification of Germany. EC plans for economic and
  3624. monetary union have been discussed (although this is
  3625. now even further away since the virtual collapse of
  3626. the European Monetary System) and there has been
  3627. increased coordination in foreign policies and
  3628. research and development.
  3629. Since the ratification of the Masstrict Treaty in
  3630. 1993 the EC became known as the umbrella body, The
  3631. European Union (EU)
  3632. How the EU is Managed
  3633. The three European Communities (EC, ECSC & Euratom)
  3634. are managed by common institutions. As a result they
  3635. are increasingly referred to in the singular, the
  3636. EuropeanUnion. The Unions`s decision-
  3637. "EU3 How the EU is Managed"
  3638. Picture1
  3639.     Ram Disk:
  3640. Background Flag
  3641. Note1
  3642. making process involves: the European Commission,
  3643. which draws up proposals and implements decisions,
  3644. the European Parliament, which delivers opinions on
  3645. these proposals, and the Council of Ministers, which
  3646. takes the final decisions. The Court of Justice and
  3647. the Court of First Instance ensure that Community
  3648. law is observed, while the Court of Auditors
  3649. monitors the financial management of the Community.
  3650. Lastly, the Economic and Social Committee and the
  3651. ECSC Consultative Committee act as advisory bodies.
  3652. The Institions of the European Union
  3653. The European Parliament
  3654. The European Parliament consists of 518 members
  3655. directly elected for five years by universal adult
  3656. suffrage. Members have the right to be consulted on
  3657.  "EU4 The European Parliament(1)"
  3658. Picture1
  3659.     Ram Disk:
  3660. Background Flag
  3661. Note1
  3662. legislative proposals submitted by the Council of
  3663. Ministers or the Commission and the power to reject
  3664. or amend the budget of the EU.
  3665. The Parliament meets in Strasbourg (France), its
  3666. committees meet in Brussels (Belgium), and its
  3667. Secretariat is based in Luxenbourg.
  3668. Breakdown of Distribution of Seats by Country
  3669. Belgium:24 seats
  3670.   Denmark:16 seats
  3671.  Germany:81 seats
  3672. Greece:24 seats
  3673. Spain:60 seats 
  3674.  France:81 seats
  3675. Ireland:15 seats 
  3676.  Italy:81 seats
  3677.  Luxembourg:6 seats
  3678. Netherlands:25 seats
  3679.  Portugal:24 seats
  3680.  United
  3681. Kingdom:81 seats
  3682. Sceduled to join the Union in January 1995 are:
  3683. Austria, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Poland,
  3684. Hungary, Czech Republic, Cyprus and Malta are to
  3685. begin entry negotiations in 1996.
  3686.  "EU5 The European Parliament(2)"
  3687. Picture1
  3688.     Ram Disk:
  3689. Background Flag
  3690. Note1
  3691. The Council of Ministers
  3692. The Council of Ministers meets in Brussels and, less
  3693. frequently, in Luxembourg. The Council consists of
  3694. Ministers from each member state and is responsible
  3695. for making the major policy decisions of the Union.
  3696. Each Member State acts as President of the Council
  3697. for six months in rotation. Meetings are attended by
  3698. different Ministers according to the agenda: for
  3699. instance, Agriculture Ministers discuss farm prices,
  3700. while employment matters are dealt with the
  3701. Ministers for Employment and the Economy. The
  3702. Ministers for Foreign Affairs are responsible for the
  3703. Community`s external relations and coordinate the
  3704. more specialized work of their colleagues. They also
  3705. develop political cooperation with each other on
  3706. major international problems.
  3707. "EU6 The Council of Ministers"
  3708. Picture1
  3709.     Ram Disk:
  3710. Background Flag
  3711. Note1
  3712. The European Council
  3713. The European Council is part of the Council of
  3714. Ministers. The European Council, which was
  3715. instituted in 1975, nbrings together the Heads of
  3716. State or Government of the Member States and the
  3717. President of the Commission, assisted by the Foreign
  3718. Ministers and a Member of the Commission. It meets
  3719. two or three times a year and deals with both Union
  3720. affairs and political cooperation. It acts as a guide
  3721. and a driving force and its role should not be
  3722. underestimated, even if it does not directly adopt
  3723. Union legislation.
  3724. The European Commission
  3725. The Commision of the European Communities consists
  3726. of 17 members appointed by their national
  3727. governments for a term of four years. France,
  3728. ""EU7 European Council & Commision"
  3729. Picture1
  3730.     Ram Disk:
  3731. Background Flag
  3732. Note1
  3733. Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK all have two
  3734. members on the Commission while the other
  3735. countries have one member each. The Commissioners
  3736. elect from their number a President and six Vice
  3737. Presidents. The Commission, which acts
  3738. independently of national governments and only in
  3739. the interests of the Union, makes proposals to the
  3740. Council of Ministers and executes the decisions of
  3741. the Council.The current President is Jacques Delors
  3742. (France).
  3743. The Court of Justice
  3744. The Court of Justice of the Union, which sits in
  3745. Luxembourg, comprises of 13 Judges assisted by six
  3746. Advocates-General. Both the Judges and the
  3747. Advocates General are appointed for six years by
  3748. mutual agreement of the governments of the Member
  3749. States. Their independence is guaranteed.The Court`s
  3750. role is:
  3751. "EU8 Court of Justice"
  3752. Picture1
  3753.     Ram Disk:
  3754. Background Flag
  3755. Note1
  3756. *to declare void, at the request of a Union
  3757. institution, Member State or individual directed
  3758. concerened, any legal instruments adopted by the
  3759. Commission, the Council of Ministers or national
  3760. governments which are in compatible with Union law;
  3761. *to pass judgement, at the request of a national
  3762. court, on the interpreation or validity of points of
  3763. Union law. If a legal action produces a disputed point
  3764. of this kind, a national court can request a
  3765. preliminary ruling by the European Court. It must do
  3766. so if there is no higher court of appeal in the
  3767. member State concerned.
  3768. The Economic and Social Committee and the ECSC
  3769. Consultative Committee
  3770. Before a Commission proposal can be adopted by the
  3771. )"EU9 Economic&Social and ECSC Committees"
  3772. Picture1
  3773.     Ram Disk:
  3774. Background Flag
  3775. Note1
  3776. Council, it must be sent for an opinion not only
  3777. to the European Parliament, but also, in the
  3778. majority of cases, to the Union`s Economic and
  3779. Social Committee. This is a consultative body
  3780. with 189 members who represent employers,
  3781. trade unions and other special interest groups,
  3782. such as farmers and consumers.
  3783. Matters relating to coal and steel are referred
  3784. to the ECSC Consultative Committee, which is
  3785. made up of representatives of manufacturers,
  3786. traders, workers and consumers.
  3787. "EU10 ECSC"
  3788. Picture1
  3789.     Ram Disk:
  3790. Background Flag
  3791. Note1
  3792. The Council of Europe
  3793. The Council of Europe was founded in London in 1949.
  3794. It aims to achieve a greater unity between its
  3795. members to safeguard their common European
  3796. heritage and to aid their economic and social growth.
  3797. Membership is open to European nations that "accept
  3798. the principals of the rule of law and of the
  3799. enjoyment by all persons within their jurisdiction of
  3800. human rights and fundamental freedoms".
  3801. The Council of Ministers, which consists of the
  3802. foreign ministers of all the member states, meets
  3803. twice each year and their representatives meet once
  3804. a month. Agreements by the Council are in the form
  3805. of European Conventions or as looser
  3806. recommenations to governments.
  3807. "Council of Europe(1)"
  3808. Picture1
  3809.     Ram Disk:
  3810. Background Flag
  3811. Note1
  3812. The headquarters of the Council of Europe are in
  3813. Strasbourg, France.
  3814. Members of the Council of Europe
  3815. Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic
  3816. Denmark Estonia Finland France
  3817. Germany Greece Hungary
  3818. Iceland Ireland Italy
  3819. Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta
  3820. Netherlands Norway Portugal Poland
  3821. San Marino Slovenia Spain Sweden
  3822. Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom
  3823. The flag of the Council of Europe is the same as that
  3824. of the EU: twelve gold stars on a blue background
  3825. "Council of Europe(2)"
  3826. Note1
  3827. The Western European Union
  3828. The Western European Union was founded in 1948
  3829. with the aim of cooperating "in economic, social and
  3830. cultural matters and for collective self-defence".
  3831.  These functions have been gradually transferred to
  3832. the EU, the Council of Europe and NATO. Although, in
  3833. 1984, the WEU was reactivated to try and improve
  3834. military cooperation between it`s members and to
  3835. help them improve their contributions to NATO. The
  3836. headquarters of the WEU are in London, UK. The
  3837. members of the WEU are:
  3838.  Belgium, France, Germany,
  3839. Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and
  3840. the United Kingdom.
  3841. "Western European Union"
  3842. Note1
  3843. Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
  3844. (CSCE)
  3845. The CSCE was came about in 1975 under the Final Act
  3846. of a security conference held in Helsinki, Finland.
  3847. The aims of CSCE were put forward in the Charter of
  3848. Paris, which was signed by all the member states in
  3849. November 1990. Members pledged a "commitment to
  3850. settle disputes by peaceful means" and a "common
  3851. adherence to democratic values and to human rights
  3852. and fundamental freedoms".
  3853. The Charter, which effectivally formally ended the
  3854. Cold War, proposed a CSCE assembly, with members
  3855. of the parliament drawn from all member countries.
  3856. It was agreed that CSCE foreign ministers should
  3857. meet at least once a year.
  3858. "CSCE"
  3859. Note1
  3860. European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
  3861. The EFTA aims to achieve free trade in industrial
  3862. goods between it`s member nations, to help create a
  3863. single West European market and to promote an
  3864. expansion in world trade. The first aim was met in
  3865. December 1966 when most internal taxes on
  3866. industrial goods were abolished. Considerable
  3867. progress was made towards the second aim in April
  3868. 1984 when trade agreements with the EC abolished
  3869. taxes on industrial goods between EFTA and EC
  3870. countries.
  3871. The EFTA was founded on 3 May 1960 in Stockholm,
  3872. Sweden.
  3873. Membership: Austria, Finland, Iceland, Liechtenstein,
  3874.  Norway, Sweden and Switzerland
  3875. "EFTA"
  3876. Note1
  3877. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
  3878. Development (OECD)
  3879. The OECD was founded in September 1961 to replace
  3880. the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation
  3881. which had been established under the Marshall Aid
  3882. Plan in 1948. It encourages economic and social
  3883. welfare in member states and aims to improve aid to
  3884. developing countries. It`s headquarters are in Paris,
  3885. France.
  3886. Members in Europe are: Austria, Belgium,
  3887. Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland,
  3888. Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway,
  3889. Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the
  3890. United Kingdom. The EU is an observer member.
  3891. "OECD"
  3892. Note1
  3893. Group of Seven (G7)
  3894. G7 is a grouping of the World`s leading economic
  3895. powers. Since 1975 the heads of government of these
  3896. countries have met for regular summits concerning
  3897. major economic, monetary and political problems.
  3898. Membership: Canada, France, Germany, Japan,
  3899. Italy, United Kingdom and the United States.
  3900. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
  3901. The CIS is a grouping of most of the former
  3902. republics of the USSR.
  3903. It's members in Europe are:
  3904. Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and the Ukraine.
  3905. Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA)
  3906. The CEFTA was set up in 1992 by
  3907. Poland, the Czech
  3908. Republic, Slovakia and Hungar
  3909.  It intends to set up a
  3910. free trade area by 2001.
  3911. "G7,CIS,CEFTA"
  3912. Note1
  3913. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
  3914. NATO was an idea first put forward by the Secretary
  3915. of State for External Affairs for Canada in April
  3916. 1949 and came into force in August 1949. NATO is
  3917. often called the Western Alliance.
  3918. The North Atlantic Council is the highest authority
  3919. of the alliance. It comprises of 16 permanment
  3920. representatives, one from each member nation, and
  3921. is chaired by the Secretary General of NATO. The
  3922. defence of the NATO area is the responsibity of the
  3923. Defence Planning Committee. France is not a member
  3924. of the DPC, which meets regularly at ambassadorial
  3925. level and twice a year at ministerial level.
  3926. European members are: Belgium, Denmark, France,
  3927. Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg,
  3928. Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and UK.
  3929. "NATO"
  3930. Note1
  3932. The United Nations officially came into being on 24
  3933. October 1945. There were 51 founder countries.
  3934. Today, membership totals 179 countries, including
  3935. every country in Europe, except Andorra (although
  3936. some European countries are only observer
  3937. members). The main work of the UN is peace-keeping,
  3938. in such places as Bosnia and Cyprus. The UN is also
  3939. involved in a vast range of cultural, economic and
  3940. humanitarian work. The main institutions of the UN
  3941. are: The General Assembly, Economic and Social
  3942. Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of
  3943. Justice and the Secretariat. The UN also controls
  3944. various other bodies including: WHO, UNHCR, UNICEF,
  3946. "United Nations"
  3947. Button1
  3948. STATES 
  3949. euROpe
  3952.  LISTS
  3953. VARIOUS
  3954.  ASPECTS
  3955. EUROPE
  3956. , INCLUDING
  3958. WEALTH
  3959. Button2
  3962. Button3
  3963. List1
  3964. Select List To View:
  3965. Most Highly Pop.Nations
  3966. Least Populated Nations
  3967. Most Densely Pop.Nations
  3968. Least Densely Pop.Nations
  3969. Highest Infant Mortality
  3970. Lowest Infant Mortality
  3971. Longest Life Expectancy
  3972. Shortest Life Expectancy
  3973. Richest Nations
  3974. Largest Cities
  3975. Largest Nations
  3976. Smallest Nations
  3977. Longest Rivers
  3978. Highest Mountains
  3979. Button4
  3980. Return To Menu
  3981. "Eurolists"
  3982. Button1
  3983. STATES 
  3984. euROpe 
  3985. Button2
  3986. Button3
  3987. Button4
  3990. EUROPE
  3991. country population
  3992. Russia 148,263,000
  3993. Germany 79,479,000
  3994. Italy 57,662,000
  3995. United Kingdom 57,411,000
  3996. France 56,440,000
  3997. Turkey 56,098,000
  3998. Ukraine 51,857,000
  3999. Spain 38,959,000
  4000. Poland 38,180,000
  4001. Romania 23,200,000
  4003. "Least Populated Countries"
  4006. country population
  4007. Vatican City 1,000
  4008. San Marino 24,000
  4009. Monaco 29,000
  4010. Liechtenstein 29,000
  4011. Andorra 52,000
  4012. Iceland 255,000
  4013. Malta 354,000
  4014. Luxembourg 381,000
  4015. Cyprus 702,000
  4016. Estonia 1,583,000
  4017. "Eurolists-Populations"
  4018. Button1
  4019. STATES 
  4020. euROpe 
  4021. Button2
  4022. Button3
  4023. "Most densely pop"
  4026. EUROPE
  4027. country  pop. density
  4028. Monaco 14,500/sq.km
  4029. Vatican City 2,273/sq.km
  4030. Malta 1,120/sq.km
  4031. San Marino 393/sq.km
  4032. Netherlands 365/sq.km
  4033. Belgium 323/sq.km
  4034. United Kingdom 235/sq.km
  4035. Germany 222/sq.km
  4036. Italy 191/sq.km
  4037. Liechtenstein 181/sq.km
  4038. "Least Density Populated"
  4042. country  pop. density
  4043. Iceland 2/sq.km
  4044. Russia 9/sq.km
  4045. Norway 13/sq.km
  4046. Finland 15/sq.km
  4047. Sweden 19/sq.km
  4048. Estonia 35/sq.km
  4049. Latvia 42/sq.km
  4050. Belorussia 49/sq.km
  4051. Ireland 51/sq.km
  4052. Lithuania 57/sq.km
  4053. "Eurolists-Pop.Density"
  4054. Button1
  4055. STATES 
  4056. euROpe 
  4057. Button2
  4058. Button3
  4059. "Highest Mortality Rates"
  4063. EUROPE
  4064. country mortality rate
  4065. Turkey 62 per 1000
  4066. Macedonia 35 per 1000
  4067. Albania 32 per 1000
  4068. Azerbaijan 26 per 1000
  4069. Moldavia 21 per 1000
  4070. Yugoslavia 21 per 1000
  4071. Georgia 20 per 1000
  4072. Armenia 20 per 1000
  4073. Romania 19 per 1000
  4074. Russia 18 per 1000
  4075. Button5
  4078. EUROPE
  4079. country mortality rate
  4080. Liechtenstein 3 per 1000
  4081. Finland 5 per 1000
  4082. Iceland 5 per 1000
  4083. Sweden 6 per 1000
  4084. Norway 6 per 1000
  4085. Denmark 6 per 1000
  4086. France 7 per 1000
  4087. Switzerland 7 per 1000
  4088. Ireland 8 per 1000
  4089. United Kingdom 8 per 1000
  4090. Netherlands 8 per 1000
  4091. Germany 8 per 1000
  4092. Belgium 8 per 1000
  4093. "Eurolists-IMR"
  4094. Button3
  4095. Button1
  4096. STATES 
  4097. euROpe 
  4098. Button2
  4099. "Longest Life Expectancy"
  4103. country life expectancy
  4104. Andorra 78 yrs
  4105. Iceland 78 yrs
  4106. Netherlands 78 yrs
  4107. Sweden 78 yrs
  4108. Switzerland 78 yrs
  4109. Cyprus 77 yrs
  4110. France 77 yrs
  4111. Greece 77 yrs
  4112. Spain 77 yrs
  4113. "Shortest Life Expectancy"
  4116. IN EUROPE
  4117. country life expectancy
  4118. Turkey 66 yrs
  4119. Moldavia 69 yrs
  4120. Azerbaijan 70 yrs
  4121. Estonia 70 yrs
  4122. Latvia 70 yrs
  4123. Liechtenstein 70 yrs
  4124. Russia 70 yrs
  4125. Lithuania 71 yrs
  4126. Slovakia 71 yrs
  4127. Ukraine 71 yrs
  4128. "Eurolists-Life Expect."
  4129. Button1
  4130. STATES 
  4131. euROpe 
  4132. Button2
  4133. Button3
  4134. "Richest Countries"
  4136. IN EUROPE
  4137. country GNP per person
  4138. Switzerland 30,270 US$
  4139. Luxembourg 24,860 US$
  4140. Norway 21,850 US$
  4141. Sweden 21,710 US$
  4142. Iceland 21,240 US$
  4143. Liechtenstein 21,000 US$
  4144. Germany 20,750 US$
  4145. Denmark 20,510 US$
  4146. Finland 17,830 US$
  4147. France 17,830 US$
  4148. "Largest Cities"
  4150. EUROPE
  4151. city  country population
  4152. Moscow Russia 10,367,000
  4153. London UK 9,170,000
  4154. Paris France 8,709,000
  4155. St.Petersburg Rus.5,020000
  4156. Istanbul Turkey 4,870,000
  4157. Milan Italy 4,738,000
  4158. Madrid Spain 4,103,000
  4159. Barcelona Spain 4,103,000
  4160. Berlin Germany 3,300,000
  4161. Athens Greece 3,223,000
  4162. "Eurolists-Richest/Cities"
  4163. Button1
  4164. STATES 
  4165. euROpe 
  4166. Button2
  4167. Button3
  4168. "Largest Countries"
  4169. THE 1O LARGEST
  4171. country area
  4172. Russia 17,078,000 sq.km
  4173. Turkey 779,450 sq.km
  4174. Ukraine 603,700 sq.km
  4175. France 543,965 sq.km
  4176. Spain 504,880 sq.km
  4177. Sweden 449,790 sq.km
  4178. Germany 357,868 sq.km
  4179. Finland 337,030 sq.km
  4180. Norway 323,895 sq.km
  4181. Poland 312,685 sq.km
  4182. "Smallest Countries"
  4185. country area
  4186. Vatican City 0.44 sq.km
  4187. Monaco 2 sq.km
  4188. San Marino 61 sq.km
  4189. Liechtenstein 160 sq.km
  4190. Malta 316 sq.km
  4191. Andorra 465 sq.km
  4192. Luxembourg 2,585 sq.km
  4193. Cyprus 9,250 sq.km
  4194. Slovenia 20,250 sq.km
  4195. Macedonia 25,713 sq.km
  4196. "Eurolists-Large/Small"
  4197. Button1
  4198. STATES 
  4199. euROpe 
  4200. Button2
  4201. Button3
  4202. "Longest Rivers"
  4204. IN EUROPE
  4205. river countries length
  4206. Volga
  4207.  Russia 3,530 km
  4208. Danube
  4209. Ger.,Aus.,Slov.,Hun.,Yugo.,
  4210. Rom.,Bulg.,Rus. 2,850 km
  4211.  Russia 2,540 km
  4212. Dnepr
  4213.  Russia,Belorussia,
  4214. Ukraine 2,285 km
  4215.  Russia 1,969 km
  4216. Pechora
  4217.  Russia 1,809 km
  4218.  Russia 1,805 km
  4219.  Russia 1,500 km
  4220. Belaya
  4221.  Russia 1,430 km
  4222. Dnestr
  4223.  Ukr.,Mold.1,352 km
  4224. "Highest Mountains"
  4225.   THE 1O HIGHEST
  4227. mountain height(highest
  4228. point)
  4229. Elbrus 5,642m
  4230. Dykh Tau 5,203m
  4231. Shkhara 5,201m
  4232. Pik Shota Rustaveli 5,190m
  4233. Koshtantau 5,144m
  4234. Pik Pushkin 5,100m
  4235. Jangi Tau 5,051m
  4236. Dzhangi Tau 5,049m
  4237. Kazbek 5,047m
  4238. Katyn Tau 4,985m
  4239.   all peaks in
  4240. Caucasus`,Russia
  4241. "Eurolists-Rivers/Mount."
  4242. Note1
  4245. Note2
  4246. Click Below To Select Section:
  4247. Button1
  4249. European Space Programs in the 1990`s
  4250. Button2
  4252. Select the country you require and the code will be displayed
  4253. Button3
  4255. The Twelve Gold Stars
  4256. Button4
  4257. Return To Main Menu
  4258. Button5
  4259. Notes & Credits
  4260. "European Miscellaneous"
  4261. Picture1
  4262. EUROPE:EuropeFlag Brushes
  4263. European Flag(large)
  4264. Note1
  4266. The European flag consists of twelve gold stars on a
  4267. blue background. Contary to popular belief,these do
  4268. not stand for the twelve members of the EC, but
  4269. represent symmetry and harmony. It is the offical
  4270. flag of the Council of Europe since 1955 and the EC
  4271. since 1986. It is the only flag that can really be
  4272. called the true "Flag of Europe".
  4273. Button1
  4274. CLICK
  4275. "European Flag"
  4276. Picture1
  4277.     Ram Disk:
  4278. Background Flag
  4279.     "Ireland"
  4280. Ireland
  4281.     "Austria"
  4282. Austria
  4283. List1
  4285. Albania
  4286. Alderney
  4287. Andorra
  4288. Austria
  4289. Belarus
  4290. Belgium
  4291. Bulgaria
  4292. Croatia
  4293. Cyprus              *
  4294. Czech Republic
  4295. Denmark
  4296. Estonia
  4297. Faeroe Islands
  4298. Finland
  4299. France
  4300. Georgia
  4301. Germany
  4302.     Gibraltar
  4303. Greece
  4304. Guernsey            *
  4305. Hungary
  4306. Iceland
  4307. Ireland             *
  4308. Isle of Man         *
  4309. Italy
  4310. Jersey              *
  4311. Latvia
  4312. Liechtenstein
  4313.     Lithuania
  4314. Luxembourg
  4315. Malta
  4316. Moldova
  4317. Monaco
  4318. Netherlands
  4319. Norway
  4320. Poland
  4321. Portugal
  4322. Romania
  4323. Russia
  4324. San Marino
  4325. Slovakia
  4326. Slovenia
  4327. Spain
  4328. Sweden
  4329. Switzerland
  4330. Turkey
  4331. Ukraine
  4332. United Kingdom      *
  4333. Vatican City
  4334. Yugoslavia
  4335. Greece
  4336. Hungary
  4337. "gbg"
  4338. Guernsey
  4339. Faeroe
  4340. Islands
  4341. Denmark
  4342. Finland
  4343. "rsm"
  4344. San Marino
  4345. Romania
  4346. Button9
  4347. Slovenia
  4348. "russia"
  4349. Russia
  4350. Poland
  4351. Portugal
  4352. Norway
  4353. Italy
  4354. "gru"
  4355. Georgia
  4356. "gbz"
  4357. Gibralter
  4358.     "Belgium"
  4359. Belgium
  4360. "mol"
  4361. Moldova
  4362. Monaco
  4363. Malta
  4364. Lithuania
  4365. Latvia
  4366. "gbm"
  4367. Isle of Man
  4368. "gba"
  4369. Alderney
  4370. United
  4371. Kingdom
  4372. Liechtenstein
  4373.     "Croatia"
  4374. Croatia
  4375. "Switzerland"
  4376. Switzerland
  4377. "Bulgaria"
  4378. Bulgaria
  4379.     "Andorra"
  4380. Andorra
  4381. Iceland
  4382. "gbj"
  4383. Jersey
  4384. France
  4385.     "Germany"
  4386. Germany
  4387. "Cyprus"
  4388. Cyprus
  4389. "Czech"
  4390. Czech
  4391. Republic
  4392.     "Belarus"
  4393. Belarus
  4394.     "Albania"
  4395. Albania
  4396. Sweden
  4397. Luxembourg
  4398. Spain
  4399. Netherlands
  4400. Estonia
  4401. Slovakia
  4402. Turkey
  4403. "ukr"
  4404. Ukraine
  4405. Vatican City
  4406. Yugoslavia
  4407. Button49
  4408. Countries marked
  4409. with an "*" drive on
  4410. the left, all others
  4411. drive on the right
  4412. "TITLE"
  4414. Note3
  4415. This section lists
  4416. the codes used by
  4417. vehicles when
  4418. travelling
  4419. internationally, to
  4420. distinguish it`s
  4421. nationallity. Scroll
  4422. through the list on
  4423. the left to find the
  4424. desired country and
  4425. click on it. The
  4426. code will be
  4427. displayed on the
  4428. right. Click "OK"
  4429. before viewing
  4430. another code.
  4431. Button51
  4432. Click To Return
  4433. To Menu
  4434. "Vehicle Registration Codes"
  4435. Picture1
  4436.     Ram Disk:
  4437. Background Flag
  4438. Note1
  4441. Note2
  4444. In December 1977 the European Space Agency selected it`s first
  4445. group of astronauts, who would fly as the payload specialists
  4446. aboard the U.S. Space Shuttle, with the ESA`s Spacelab project.
  4447. They first flew in November 1983 and the ESA has had
  4448. astronauts on the Shuttles reguarly since then.
  4449. The ESA also has it`s own independent projects, such as the
  4450. Ariane 5 booster and a space laboratory to be attached to the
  4451. U.S. Freedom space station when it is built.
  4452. The members of the European Space Agency are: Austria,
  4453. Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The
  4454. Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K.
  4455. European countries with national space programs are described
  4456. on the next page.
  4457. "Europe in Space (1)"
  4458. Picture1
  4459.     Ram Disk:
  4460. Background Flag
  4461. Note1
  4464. CNES, the French Space Agency, is Europe`s biggest national
  4465. space agency. The CNES regulary has astronauts on flights to
  4466. the Mir space station, as well as it`s own projects.
  4468. The RSA manages 80% of the former U.S.S.R.`s programs, but has
  4469. had to endure massive budget cuts since independence.
  4470. Germany
  4471.  has been involved in flights to the Mir space station
  4472. and aboard the space shuttle, as well as being one of the main
  4473. players in the ESA. 
  4474. Italy
  4475.  and 
  4476. the United Kingdom
  4477.  also have
  4478. their own programs, while also being members of the ESA.
  4479. Button1
  4480. +States_of_Europe:Pictures/Europe_from_space
  4483. Button2
  4485. TO THE MENU
  4486. "Europe in Space (2)"
  4487. Picture1
  4488.     Ram Disk:
  4489. Background Flag
  4490. Note1
  4491. I would welcome any comments,
  4492. suggestions or critisisms about this
  4493. project. You can write to me at:
  4494. David White,
  4495. Ballinakill,
  4496. Dunmore Road,
  4497. Waterford,
  4498. IRELAND
  4499. It is possible States of Europe may
  4500. have to be updated at some stage, as
  4501. the situation in Eastern Europe is
  4502. likely to produce yet more new
  4503. nations, or as new, updated material
  4504. comes to hand. If you send me your
  4505. name and address I will keep you
  4506. updated on developments.
  4507. Note2
  4508. Feedback
  4509. Note3
  4510. Credits
  4511. I would just
  4512. like to thank
  4513. Chris Hill &
  4514. SP of Total
  4515. Concepts!
  4516. and John Dell
  4517. of Gre
  4518. endell
  4519. Technologies
  4520. for their
  4521. help and
  4522. advice on
  4523.  project
  4524. Note4
  4525. STATES
  4526. EUROPE
  4527. D.White
  4528. Note5
  4529. Click Here
  4530. For Menu
  4531. Note6
  4532. Vorsprung
  4533. Durch
  4534. Technik!
  4536. Drawing1
  4537. Button1
  4538. V . D . I . !
  4539. "Notes & Credits"
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